Pilar Miralles – Esparto, approached

First artistic part of Pilar Miralles’ doctoral project

Esparto, approached is the first artistic part of Pilar Miralles’ doctoral project “Situating artistic practice; An attempt to remain despite the immediacy era”.

How can we experience presence in an ever-accelerating world? Can artistic practice help us regain a deeper awareness of the time and place we inhabit? In her doctoral project, Pilar aims to answer these questions, sharing her reflective process and inviting the audience to participate in it through a series of three multimedia installations. Esparto, approached is the first installation of the series, consisting of two videos projected on opposite walls. The videos collect practices of inhabiting, listening to, and enacting abandoned places and obsolete objects from Pilar’s homeland in rural Spain. She seeks presence in these places and objects through the traces of shared memories that can be retrieved from them, reflecting on how rapid progress can make us forget. These reflections are displayed on the videos as English subtitles. Through the images and sounds, esparto grass emerges as a central element: This vegetal fiber, used for a disappearing crafting tradition in Southeastern Spain, represents one of Pilar’s cultural ties to be remembered and re-signified. In the center of the hall, there will be esparto grass and objects made of esparto that the audience can touch and spend time with. The videos last around 50 and 20 minutes, respectively, but they are set in a loop and can be watched from any point onward.

The installation can be visited between 14h and 18h, on May 10th, 2025. 

Further information: Eeva Hohti, eeva.hohti@uniarts.fi

Changes are possible.


10.5.2025 klo 14:00 – 18:00



Mannerheimintie 13a

00100 Helsinki



Vapaa pääsy

Sijainti kartalla

Katso reittiohjeet