University Collegium
The Collegium strives to increase transparency and inclusivity in the Uniarts Helsinki's decision-making. Its members are professors, other staff members and students.
The Collegium strives to increase transparency and inclusivity in the Uniarts Helsinki's decision-making. Its members are professors, other staff members and students.
The remit of the University Collegium has been defined in the Universities Act. The University Collegium is responsible for selecting the external members to the University Board and confirming the election of the university community’s internal members to the Board. The Collegium also appoints financial auditors, approves financial statements and the annual report, and decides on the discharge of the rector and board members from liability.
The main objective of the Collegium’s activities is to increase the openness of the university’s decision-making. This includes giving the community the opportunity to participate in preparations concerning the strategy, budgets and operational plans and other decisions that are central to the university’s activities and future.
The Collegium consists of 18 members. Of those, six members represent professors, six represent other staff members, and six represent students. The term of the current University Collegium runs from 2021 to 2024.
Due to the lack of candidates, four personal deputy members were not elected. The electoral commission will hold by-elections on 26.-27.2.2025.
The student representatives are selected by the student union.
The Colleguim chair is N.N, vice-chairman N.N and the secretary is N.N.
Tel. +358 294 47 2000 (exchange)
P.O. Box L 10
FI-00097 Taideyliopisto