Docmus Doctoral School of Classical Music
We are responsible for doctoral education within the Faculty of Classical Music of the Sibelius Academy.

We are responsible for doctoral education within the Faculty of Classical Music of the Sibelius Academy.
Our research unit focuses on music performance, church music, as well as composition and music theory. Our wide-ranging artistic activities cover the field of music from antiquity to contemporary music. We have approximately 80 students in three study programmes (artistic, research and applied studies). We encourage our students to develop an individual artist and researcher profile and to discover their own research method and culture.
Our research is multidisciplinary and explores various art forms. It is carried out by individual researchers as well as through externally funded projects. We develop our research activities in cooperation with other researchers at Uniarts Helsinki. We offer our students and researchers an international and active community.
Browse our study options from the Study Guide
Find out more about our research projects
Browse Sibelius Academy`s doctoral students’ projects currently in Future Doctors in Music blog
By 2020 over 220 doctors of music have graduated from the Sibelius Academy
Get to know the DocMus Doctoral School teaching staff, doctoral students and administrative staff.
Doctoral students can choose between three specialisation areas: Arts Study Programme,
Research Study Programme and Applied Study Programme.
Read the Sibelius Academy’s doctoral guidelines for doctoral students, supervisors and degree examiners
Trio contains material about different aspects of Western classical music: peer-reviewed articles, lectiones praecursoriae, reviews, speeches, book critiques, and reports. Trio is a bi-annual publication.
DocMus Research Publications is a series of scholarly research publications by the Sibelius Academy since 2012
Browse the EST and Studia Musica series of doctoral thesis
Read our publications in Taju publication archive