Artist pedagogy and artistic thinking

We explore how artists teach future artists in higher education institutions and other settings, asking how and why pedagogies have evolved and how they might need to continue to develop into the future.

A blank white square on the wall with the words "information pedagoiques" on top of the square on the wall.

This thematic research network investigates the education of artists. The research is focused on the range of practices taught at the University of the Arts Helsinki. We explore how artists teach future artists in higher education institutions and other settings, asking how and why pedagogies have evolved and how they might need to continue to develop into the future. Our aim is to deepen critical understandings of these practices in evolving contexts by employing various methodological approaches including artistic research.

Contact information

  • Magnus Quaife

    Professor, Art pedagogy Academy of Fine Arts, Academy of Fine Arts

Research projects

Researchers in the network

Past events