Study module in musical theatre

Study acting, dance, musical singing, voice control and ensemble singing in a genuinely cross-artistic environment.

Opiskelijoita tanssisalissa

About the studies

The study module in musical theatre consists of master-level advanced studies organised by the University as joint instruction. We offer the student the basic skills to work as a performer in musical theatre, a field that requires mastery of several different skillsets.

The teaching method in the studies is group instruction. Students improve their skills in workshops and master classes that include dance, musical singing, voice control, ensemble singing and acting. As a student you will get to work in close collaboration with professionals of different artistic fields.

The study module comprises courses from Theatre Academy’s and Sibelius Academy’s selection. The studies constitute 10-30 credits.


Supporting the coordinating teacher, other teachers in the module are part of the University’s lecturing staff as well as visiting experts.


Applications for the study module in musical theatre for the academic year 2025-2026 can be submitted during the application period of Uniarts Helsinki Open University 27.2.-13.3.2025.

Some applicants will be invited to an audition. Both Uniarts Helsinki degree students and Open university students will be selected on the basis of the audition.

Visit our study guide to see the content and application instructions of the study module.

Admissions guide

Application period

27 February – 13 March 2025

Application languages


- Read more about language skill requirements

Supervising teacher

  • Hanna Hurskainen

    Lecturer, Joint studies, Open Campus
    Part-time teacher, pop/jazz vocal music, Music education, Sibelius Academy


Open Campus