Vision for performing arts education for 2030

The project aims at establishing a national vision for the state of education in theatre, dance, circus and performance art for 2030.


Uniarts Helsinki’s Theatre Academy initiates the compilation of a vision for arts education in the fields of theatre, dance, circus and performance art. The goal of the vision work is to strengthen a shared view of what development needs, objectives and measures are relevant to education in the field of performing arts. The work also supports regional and national cooperation between different operators. 

The group of education providers in the fields of theatre, dance, circus and performance art in Finland is wide and diverse, and their core missions range from early childhood education to degree-oriented education and research and from formal teaching to informal and lifelong learning. All Finnish operators who provide training and education in theatre, dance, circus and performance art are invited to join the vision work. The vision will be compiled as a wide, dialogue-oriented and collaborative effort on various education levels and among the various operators in the field.  

The project will be launched in autumn 2021, and the work will include regional seminars, online meetings, questionnaires and surveys. The finalised vision will be published at the end of 2022. 

Contact information

From January 1, 2023, the contact persons of the Theatre Academy are vice dean Ville Sandqvist, professor Eeva Anttila, university lecturer Riku Saastamoinen and planning manager Alina Savolainen. They can be reached at the email address The contact person for Turku AMK is Eero Linjama. He can be reached at

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Project name

Vision for performing arts education for 2030




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