The History of Playing the Piano in Finland

The research project outlines the culture of piano playing, its history, conventions and its musical heritage.


Annikka Konttori-Gustafsson is researching the history of playing the piano in Finland based on a research project Pianonsoiton historia Suomessa by Margit Rahkonen. This project outlines the culture of piano playing, its history, conventions and its musical heritage, by looking into the interaction between national and international music cultures through different eras, as the source. The purpose for the symposiums organized by DocMus-graduate school (2014, 2016 and 2018) has been to record the different research conducted on the topic and to bring together researchers, educationalists and performing artists and students, studying piano playing.


The project has created an anthology “Kartanoista kaikkien soittimeksi. Pianonsoiton historiaa Suomessa” (DocMus-graduate school’s publications 8, copy edited by: Margit Rahkonen, Annikka Konttori-Gustafsson & Markus Kuikka).

Contact information for the project

Project name

The History of Playing the Piano in Finland

