Letter Correspondence by Jean Sibelius and Aino Ackté

The research project examines correspondence between the years 1899 and 1936.

Songstress Aino Achté
Stålberg/Helsinki City Museum


The aim for this project is to copy, edit and to prepare for publication the correspondence letter of Jean Sibelius and the Achté family in their original languages (mainly in Swedish) and as a Finnish translation (from Swedish). This correspondence covers about 60 letters dated between 1899 and 1936. The published version of the letters will be annotated with information found through the research work and with essays that contextualize events described in the letters.

Contact information for the project

Project name

Letter Correspondence by Jean Sibelius and Aino Ackté




The Swedish Cultural Foundation in Finland


Anne Kauppala, Ulla-Britta Broman-Kananen and Timo Virtanen