Global Visions Through Mobilizing Networks: Co-Developing Intercultural Music Teacher Education in Finland, Israel and Nepal

The research project funded by the Academy of Finland (2015 - 2020) creates an international network of music teacher educators and a hybrid space for reflection and planning.


Teacher education institutions worldwide face the challenges of equipping future teachers with the necessary skills and understandings to work within increasingly diverse environments. Music teacher education is no different in this respect.

What if music teacher education could be developed across borders, through global interaction, by institutions joining each other in mobilizing networks in order to learn from each other? What then would become the visions for intercultural music teacher education?

The aim of the project

The “Global Visions Through Mobilizing Networks” is funded by the Academy of Finland during the years 2015–2020. The research project seeks to co-develop intercultural music teacher education by engaging three different institutions, and their respective music teacher educators and researchers, in processes of collaborative and research-based learning. The three institutions involved are the Sibelius Academy of the University of the Arts Helsinki, the Levinsky College of Education in Tel Aviv and the Nepal Music Center in Kathmandu.

The ultimate aim is to envision programmes of music teacher education which will equip students with the necessary skills and understandings to work within increasingly diverse environments.

The project is coordinated by the University of the Arts Helsinki, Sibelius Academy in Finland.

Contact information for the project

Project name

Global Visions Through Mobilizing Networks: Co-Developing Intercultural Music Teacher Education in Finland, Israel and Nepal




Academy of Finland


the Levinsky College of Education (Tel Aviv)
the Nepal Music Center (Kathmandu)