Dialogue Generation for Radio Drama
The project explores the computational generation of dialogue for radio drama.
Can computational creativity be used to generate dialogue for radio plays? How can research in dramaturgy, conversation analysis, and computer science come together to create such as system?
The original intention of the project was to explore, whether artificial intelligence could be utilized to create radio plays – and if so, how. The focus of the project has since shifted to the computational generation of dialogue for radio plays. The first outcome of the ongoing project, a series of generated dialogues, was produced in autumn 2019. The Finnish broadcasting company YLE plans to produce and broadcast these scripts as part of its radio drama programming.
Contact information for the project
Otso Huopaniemi
- Dean
Uniarts Helsinki's Theatre Academy - Contact via executive assistant:
- aapo.juusti@uniarts.fi
Project name
Dialogue Generation for Radio Drama
YLE – the Finnish Broadcasting Company, the Department of Computer Science and the Department of Finnish, Finno-Ugrian and Scandinavian Studies at the University of Helsinki
- Initiated by dramaturge Juha-Pekka Hotinen of YLE
- Otso Huopaniemi (Professor of Dramaturgy and Playwriting, Uniarts Helsinki)
- Hannu Toivonen (Professor of Computer Science, HY)
- Marja-Leena Sorjonen (Professor of Finnish, HY)
- MA researchers from HY have included Essi Salmenkivi, Jessica Lindström, and Ville-Veikko Saari
Can computational creativity be used to generate dialogue for radio plays? How can research in dramaturgy, conversation analysis, and computer science come together to create such as system?
The original intention of the project was to explore, whether artificial intelligence could be utilized to create radio plays – and if so, how. The focus of the project has since shifted to the computational generation of dialogue for radio plays. The first outcome of the ongoing project, a series of generated dialogues, was produced in autumn 2019. The Finnish broadcasting company YLE plans to produce and broadcast these scripts as part of its radio drama programming.
Contact information for the project
Otso Huopaniemi
- Dean
Uniarts Helsinki's Theatre Academy - Contact via executive assistant:
- aapo.juusti@uniarts.fi