Dance Performance and Choreography – an artistic collaboration on digital platforms
Watch online projects by master’s degree students of Dance Performance and Choreography.

Due to the restrictions caused by the corona virus pandemic, the artistic collaboration project that was organised in 16 March – 17 April 2020 between master’s degree students of Dance Performance and Choreography transitioned to a digital one. Five different artistic projects were conceived by the students themselves and worked on collaboratively. The projects have been mentored by Veli Lehtovaara, Anna Mustonen, Jana Unmüßig and professors of the respective programmes, Eeva Muilu and Kirsi Monni.
Please note that the sites and pdf listed below are the students’ own and might not meet all the necessary accessibility criteria. For example, project videos that appear on the listed sites are not captioned.

Resting Bitch
In the video series Resting Bitch the makers were conjured into motion pictures, words, songs and bitches. The piece is R.I.B. Collective’s clarion call for the diversity of the self, femininity, animalism, flesh and rest.
Terhi Hartikainen & Veera Snellman

Never Alone
Never Alone is a project that explores visuality through corporeality. In the focus of the project are Olli Kilpi’s graphic videos and my corporal translations of them. The chosen medium of final translations are videos.
I selected the translation method because I am isolated from others due to the corona pandemic and I began to long for dialogue through artistic works other than mine. I see the translations as rather reflective than mimetic: both videos, originals and my translations, communicate with each other.
- Original videos: Olli Kilpi / Ekho Collective
- Translation videos: Iina Taijonlahti
- Flower Forest translation technical help: Vesa-Pekka Grönfors
- Living Analog translation filming: Vesa-Pekka Grönfors

Days with Daisy
Days with Daisy is an internet artwork in the form of a diary. The work follows the story of a fictional character called Daisy. It proceeds by clicking the arrow on the bottom of each page. We recommend that you view the work on a computer rather than a mobile device and use headphones if possible. The length of the piece is approximately 40 minutes.
The work has been created remotely by Sara Grotenfelt, Sanni Kriikku, and Maya Oliva.

We have been working from a place where each one of us is differently situated but found themselves in a situation where leaving home hasn’t been much possible. The home that looks familiar, but feels uncanny.
Our conceptual starting point was related to the meaning of artistic producing/creating and product/creation: we discussed possibilities to critically engage with this concern by becoming aware of the presumptions we had. We decided to work individually from this common conceptual starting point, whilst being in contact remotely. We invite you to experience our artworks as separate events/creations which connect through shared resources.
Maria Mäkelä, Selma Reynisdottir, Eeva Juutinen

Tips for Becoming Aware of Representations – Vinkkejä representaatioiden tarkasteluun
This is a feminist project aiming towards more versatile representations in the media. In this document we share our methods of approaching the critical observation of representations in the media. This document also contains a pre-written base for feedback, which can be utilized in one’s own feminist work.
Tämä on feministinen projekti, jonka tavoitteena on saada mediaan monimuotoisempia representaatioita. Tässä tiedostossa jaamme meidän lähestymistapojamme median representaatioiden kriittiseen tarkasteluun. Ohessa myös valmis palautepohja, jota voi hyödyntää omassa feministisessä työssään.
Iiris Laakso, Elisa Lejeune and Verna Nordlund
Project name
Dance Performance and Choreography master’s students' artistic collaboration project
Due to the restrictions caused by the corona virus pandemic, the artistic collaboration project that was organised in 16 March – 17 April 2020 between master’s degree students of Dance Performance and Choreography transitioned to a digital one. Five different artistic projects were conceived by the students themselves and worked on collaboratively. The projects have been mentored by Veli Lehtovaara, Anna Mustonen, Jana Unmüßig and professors of the respective programmes, Eeva Muilu and Kirsi Monni.
Please note that the sites and pdf listed below are the students’ own and might not meet all the necessary accessibility criteria. For example, project videos that appear on the listed sites are not captioned.

Resting Bitch
In the video series Resting Bitch the makers were conjured into motion pictures, words, songs and bitches. The piece is R.I.B. Collective’s clarion call for the diversity of the self, femininity, animalism, flesh and rest.
Terhi Hartikainen & Veera Snellman

Never Alone
Never Alone is a project that explores visuality through corporeality. In the focus of the project are Olli Kilpi’s graphic videos and my corporal translations of them. The chosen medium of final translations are videos.
I selected the translation method because I am isolated from others due to the corona pandemic and I began to long for dialogue through artistic works other than mine. I see the translations as rather reflective than mimetic: both videos, originals and my translations, communicate with each other.
- Original videos: Olli Kilpi / Ekho Collective
- Translation videos: Iina Taijonlahti
- Flower Forest translation technical help: Vesa-Pekka Grönfors
- Living Analog translation filming: Vesa-Pekka Grönfors

Days with Daisy
Days with Daisy is an internet artwork in the form of a diary. The work follows the story of a fictional character called Daisy. It proceeds by clicking the arrow on the bottom of each page. We recommend that you view the work on a computer rather than a mobile device and use headphones if possible. The length of the piece is approximately 40 minutes.
The work has been created remotely by Sara Grotenfelt, Sanni Kriikku, and Maya Oliva.

We have been working from a place where each one of us is differently situated but found themselves in a situation where leaving home hasn’t been much possible. The home that looks familiar, but feels uncanny.
Our conceptual starting point was related to the meaning of artistic producing/creating and product/creation: we discussed possibilities to critically engage with this concern by becoming aware of the presumptions we had. We decided to work individually from this common conceptual starting point, whilst being in contact remotely. We invite you to experience our artworks as separate events/creations which connect through shared resources.
Maria Mäkelä, Selma Reynisdottir, Eeva Juutinen

Tips for Becoming Aware of Representations – Vinkkejä representaatioiden tarkasteluun
This is a feminist project aiming towards more versatile representations in the media. In this document we share our methods of approaching the critical observation of representations in the media. This document also contains a pre-written base for feedback, which can be utilized in one’s own feminist work.
Tämä on feministinen projekti, jonka tavoitteena on saada mediaan monimuotoisempia representaatioita. Tässä tiedostossa jaamme meidän lähestymistapojamme median representaatioiden kriittiseen tarkasteluun. Ohessa myös valmis palautepohja, jota voi hyödyntää omassa feministisessä työssään.
Iiris Laakso, Elisa Lejeune and Verna Nordlund