Artistic Collaboration Project (ACO)

The collaborative and multidisciplinary course between Theatre Academy and Aalto University has been organised every other year since 1994.

Dancers performing
Sanni Siira
Watch Sanni Prihas and Jaakko Ruuskos documentary The Collaboration.


ACO project is a biennial organized course. The students will primarily work within the current framework of contemporary choreography and performance, in multidisciplinary work groups and degree programmes, as well as within the framework offered by the Theatre Academy and Aalto University. The participating artistic fields have been choreography, dance, lighting and sound design, scenography, and costume design.

During a short orientation course prior to ACO students will become acquainted with one another’s artistic interests and references as a foundation for forming work groups and promoting the artistic process. Students also learn about theories of group dynamics, and artistic collaboration to help them navigate the process. 

The process leads to performances, that are presented for audiences on the same evening, as a form of a mini-festival, in the facilities of the Theatre Academy.

Participating study programmes

MA in Choreography
BA in Dance
MA in Dance Performance
MA in Lighting design
MA in Sound design
MA in Costume design
MA in Scenography
MA in Dramaturgy

Photos from past ACO performances

Dancers dancing.
Dancers making faces on stage.
If sun then otherness | kor. Iina Taijonlahti

Photo credits

  • Site header: Other nature, 2020 | chor. Eeva Juutinen | photo Sanni Siira
  • my sacrum is the head of a lion (and I have proof of it), 2024 | chor. Giorgia Lolli | photo Jussi Ulkuniemi
  • feeling romantic / feeling ill, 2024 | chor. Maya Oliva (guest) | photo Jussi Ulkuniemi
  • Bloom, 2022 | chor. Ryan Mason | photo Jussi Ulkunimi
  • Foster, 2022 | chor. Lydia Touliatou | photo Jussi Ulkunimi
  • Amber, 2022 | chor. Laura Jantunen | photo Jussi Ulkunimi
  • Ombra, 2020 | choc. Maya Oliva | photo Sanni Siira
  • if sun then otherness, 2020 | chor. Iina Taijonalahti | photo Sanni Siira
  • Cathy, 2020 | chor. Sara Grotenfelt | photo Sanni Siira

Contact information for the project

Project name

Artistic Collaboration Project (ACO)




Uniarts Helsinki’s Theatre Academy & Aalto University