- The Land of Dreams – Migration and Music from the 19th Century to the Present
- Well-being of music students and music professional -research group
- Groans and muffled tones – hybrid, multidisciplinary realms of sounding bodies
- Exploring Finland’s Model for Leisure Activities (HSM): Children’s Experiences and Evaluation of the Model
- Nordic-Baltic Transdisciplinary Research-Creation Network
- Fundamental Encounters ‒ Georges Didi-Huberman Before the Image
- GaiaStage — machines are socio-material arrangements
- Archive of Art School Dissent
- Stitching Tracks – exploring the spatial experience of the border
- ExoSound
- Chromatic Noise: Mnemopolitics and Autochrome Witnesses
- On Shyness: A Finnish/Pan-African Approach
- Performance Pedagogy – Politics of Art Pedagogy
- IN.TUNE – Innovative Universities in Music & Arts in Europe
- Worldmaking with the Aesthetic Apparatus
- The Sense of Common Self
- Scenkonst med i lärande (SMIL)
- Writing-with Others as Artist Pedagogy
- Artistic Processes of University Art Students Self-Identifying Along the Neurodiversity Spectrum
- Gestural philosophy
- PIMDI: A pedagogy of imaginative dialogues
- Artist Pedagogy
- Performing the Political: Public Pedagogy in Higher Music Education
- Transition pathways towards gender inclusion in the changing musical landscapes of Nepal (amplifyHer)
- Working life studies and services for the independent arts sector
- Pondering with Pines
- Music, War and Peace in Europe 1922−2022
- Diversity of Music Heritage in Finland
- International orchestra education project
- Planthology