Maiju Loukola

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MAIJU LOUKOLA (Doctor of Arts) is an artist-researcher and a university lecturer in artistic research at the Academy of Fine Arts doctoral program. She works with spatial practices and site and situation sensitive installations in urban environment. Her research focuses on the politics of space and speculative spatial, temporal and narrative materialities in contested sites in urban environment.

Maiju is the PI/head of the °City as Space of Rules and Dreaming° research project (funded by Kone Foundation 2021–2024/2025) promoting emancipation and democratisation in urban space by cross-examination through arts and artistic research, empirical urban research, political theory and legal theory. The study strengthens polyphony of urban space and thereby develops a more just city. It asks: How is urban space formed and shared, and who has access to it? What normative and de facto instruments regulate, control and inhabit this space? What kinds of processes, structures and spaces of inclusion and marginalisation, as well as disagreement and controversy are there in the city? What kind of fractures, escape lines and dreams are hidden in the normativity of urban space? What kinds of spaces of shadow, noise, potentialities and dreams are there and how do they actualise?

The °City as Space of Rules and Dreaming° project aims to reach beyond established art-science boundaries by bringing new and more inclusive means of the practices of law and “soft law” to urban decision-making, and inviting different neighborhoods to dream of their own dwelling-regions through imaginary urban archaeology and fictionalising democracy combining different artistic mediums.

The project is coordinated by the Academy of Fine Arts (Doctoral programme) at the University of the Arts Helsinki. Other research group members and project partners are Paul Tiensuu, Doctoral researcher/ Helsinki University Faculty of Law, Tanja Tiekso, Senior researcher/ Helsinki University Faculty of Arts/ Aesthetics, Aino Hirvola, Doctoral researcher/ Aalto University Department of Built Environment, and Jaakko Ruuska, Postdoc researcher/ Academy of Fine Arts, Uniarts, and Henna-Riikka Halonen, Postdoc researcher/ Academy of Fine Arts, Uniarts.

Maiju was one of the initiators of °The Floating Peripheries – mediating the sense of place° artistic research project (funded by Academy of Finland 2017–2021), a consortium between Aalto ARTS/Dept of Film & Scenography and University of Lapland/Faculty of Art and Design. She finalised her dissertation dealing with mediality and touch as doctoral researcher in the °Figures of Touch° research project (Academy of Finland 2008–2012; parties: Aalto ARTS, Uniarts, University of Helsinki, and University of Linköping)).

Maiju is a member of the editorial board of the RUUKKU Studies in Artistic Research journal and member of editorial committee of Tiede & edistys journal. She is the convener of the Extended Artistic Research Network (EARN) Space + Practice working group (


2024 COLLABORATIVE INTERVENTION/INSTALLATION As we reach the end, we go to the beginning, which only means the end must change, in ‘City is sound, city is quicksand – voicing imaginaries and dissonances’ art + research event. With Henna-Riikka Halonen. 21.–23.5., Taivallahti peninsula & Hietsu Pavillion Helsinki
2024 LECTURE PERFORMANCE/ Recital “How is Art Useful? Let’s not invite dialogue” by Aino Hirvola, Henna-Riikka Halonen, Paul Tiensuu, Tanja Tiekso & Maiju Loukola, in SibA Research Days, Musiikkitalo Helsinki
2023 LECTURE PERFORMANCE Pysäytyskuvia – hetkellisen yhteisön ja kollektiivisen organisointumisen paikka kaupunkitilassa. With Tanja Tiekso. Tutkijaliiton Kesäkoulu: KATU, 25.–27.8.2023 Liisanpuistikko, Helsinki
2023 INSTALLATION Aamiainen ruovikolla – le petit déjeuner sur le champ de roseaux, in Art Event kaupunki on veteen piirretty viiva – city is a thin line by the sea. The event hosted 10 works by 11 artists along the seashore of Helsinki (from Munkkiniemenranta to Vuosaari).
2022 INSTALLATION in group exhibition/Art Event Hietsusta avaruuteen. Ari Hirvosen muistoseminaarin yhteydessä. Artists: Salla Myllylä, Mia Seppälä, Antti Nyyssölä, Denise Ziegler, Marko Karo, Tanja Kiiveri, Pia Euro, Mika Elo, Maiju Loukola (koollekutsuja/convener), in Hietsun Paviljonki Helsinki, 25.8–26.8.
2021 VIDEO WORK: a short video object, participation in Pandemia Mundi: Stages of Epidemics, online group exhibition on the RC platform curated by Vincent Roumagnac and Simo Kellokumpu
2019 INSTALLATION: Foaming Exercises, in Research Pavilion #3: Research Ecologies, Venice, Italy, May–August
2019 INSTALLATION, PERFORMANCE: Dance. It's the natural order (silent disco performance). In “Floating peripheries Conference Sites and Situations Art Research Event”, curated by Pia Euro, Rovaniemi, January
2018 PARTICIPATION IN THE INSTALLED OUTCOME OF A COLLABORATIVE SESSION: weS.A.N.K. (Speculative Architectures of Neganthroposcenic Kronotopias) Helsinki, 2-6 March 2018 at Uniarts' ETLAB. Organised by Vincent Roumagnac & Emanuelle Chiappone-Piriou, with invited artists and artist-researchers: Henna-Riikka Halonen, Outi Condit, Edvine Larssen, Maiju Loukola & Tuomo Rainio
2017 INSTALLATION: Under Construction. Site-specific installation (stairs, video projection, taped floor, light beamers) as materialisation operation of research topics in the Floating Peripheries – mediating the sense of place research project opening seminar. Magito Studio Helsinki 7.11.
2017 INSTALLATION: Into the. Moving image installation (video on silk, fan, mirrors) by 3 scenographers' group exhibition Night Pieces (Dark Matters) (Ikonen, Lifländer, Loukola), 18.–27.8. Sala del Camino, Venice IT. Part of the Research Pavilion #2: The Utopia of Access
2017 MOVING IMAGE INSTALLATION AND COLLECTIVE ARTWORK: Out 2; multi-channel moving image installation by 20 authors: Harri Laakso, Maiju Loukola, Henna Herranen, Laura Jarvey, Matti Tanskanen, Outi Yli-Viikari, Jernej Cucek Gerbec, Niko Nurmi, Ragnar Águstsson, Joel Autio, Eero Tiainen, Valeria Nekhaeva, Niko Skorpio, Ali Mehta, Aneta Atsova, Katja Lautamatti, Saara Kanerva Tamminen, Katri Miettinen,Tatiana Melnikova, Jakub Bobrowski, Ilona Lehtonen, Riikka Theresa Innanen, Victor Pereira Pardinho, Jelena Rosic, Adriana Delgado. As original inspiration for this experimental work that combines collective methods and performative elements with "oulipian" ideas, has been Jacques Rivette's enigmatic 13-hour film Out 1 – Noli me tangere (1971). Research Pavilion#2: The Utopia of Access, Sala del Camino, Venice IT, 18.–27.8.
2017 PARTICIPATION IN COLLECTIVE ARTWORK (EXHIBITION AND PUBLICATION) The Truth about Finland. Collective artwork in which the polished truth of a nation celebrating its 100-yrs BD is challenged. Curated by Porin Kulttuurisäätö (Anna Jensen, Eliisa Suvanto and Anni Venäläinen). Kallio Kunsthalle 3.–22.6.2017 and in Pori 10.–16.7.2017. Totuus Suomesta / The Truth About Finland publication was exhibited also in Titanik Gallery Turku, Pori Art Museum, and in Khaos Publishing Helsinki.
2016 MEDIA INSTALLATION: Have You Seen a Whale.
In >p.s. peripherical scenes miniFESTIVAL>. Incl. twitter account for a whale (born in 1851), periscope live stream, 2 tablets, projection, water and mold. Aalto ARTS, Helsinki 28.–29.1.
Sources of inspiration: a song by Depeche Mode and an early work by Joan Jonas. Incl. video, animal figures, straight line, acrylic paint, spotlights. Collaboration/duett with sound artist-researcher Taina Riikonen. Space Invaders III, curated by Anna Jensen and Eliisa Suvanto. Otaniemi Espoo 14.–17.5.
2013 SERIES OF WIND INSTALLATIONS: Sensable Screening: projection SCULPTURES. TESTing2013 artistic research workshop, Cardiff 9.–13.9.
2011 VIDEO INSTALLATION - LECTURE PERFORMANCE: Fantasmakoreja / Phantasm Baskets.
Art Research Event # 3: Experimental Event, Aalto ARTS' Pori Art and Media with the Figures of Touch research project. Porin Puuvilla, Generator gallery 29.–30.9.
2009 LECTURE PERFORMANCE: Calculations: hands & being taught by the horsie
—On kinaesthetic empathy. Artistic Research Day by Theatre Academy Research Center/TUTKE, Figures of Touch and Academy of Fine Arts Doctoral studies. Theatre Academy, Helsinki 28.10.
2007 THEATRE PERFORMANCE: ELoonjääneet/Silent survivors. Space/visualisation/videos.
With Kuriton Company, dir. Minna Nurmelin and composer Timo Muurinen. Kiasma Theatre
2007 2-CHANNEL VIDEO WORK: was/here (7”). Concept and editing. Videography Heikki Färm, performer Laura Pietiläinen. Screenings: Illusion exhibition, Cable Factory Helsinki -06 and PQ2007, Prague, CH
2005 PERFORMANCE: Bodies Are No Good. Space/visualisation/videos. Collab. with Oblivia. Concept: group. Performers: Timo Fredriksson, Riikka Theresa Innanen, Magnús Logi Kristinsson (ISL), Anna Krzystek (UK), Annika Tudeer. Cable Factory Helsinki
2004 THEATRE PERFORMANCE:Madman's Diary: A requeim for a sick little man. Space/visualisation/costumes. Dir. and dram. Johanna Ropponen. Videos: Jukka Mantere, Johanna Ropponen, Maiju Loukola. Lights: Ainu Palmu. Q-Teatteri/ Puoli-Q, Helsinki
2003 PERFORMATIVE INSTALLATION: Summer/for pass-byers. Videos/space. With Johanna Ropponen (Hammarberg), in collaboration with Oblivia. Performers: Annika Tudeer & Fabian Silen. Verandan at Lasipalatsi. Helsinki
2002 THEATRE PERFORMANCE: Scacco Pazzo. Space/visualisation. Dir. Minna Nurmelin. Text: Vittorio Franscheschi. Lilla Teatern, Helsinki
2000 THEATRE PERFORMANCE: Sudenmorsian/Bride of the wolf. Space/visualisation/videos.
Dir. Minna Nurmelin. Kajaani City Theatre
2000 THEATRE PERFORMANCE: Kymmenen käskyä (Ten commandment). Space/visualisation. Collaboration with dir. Minna Nurmelin and Theatre Gorgo. Text: Krogerus, Numminen, Keski-Vähälä, Härkönen, Rasila & Piiroinen. Stoa, Helsinki
1999 THEATRE PERFORMANCE: Red Apple. Space/visualisation/costume. Dir. and dram. Minna Nurmelin. Performer: Maria Öller. Text: Philippe Gaulier. Jurkka Theatre, Helsinki
1999 FILM 60” (35mm): Kuningas Hidas (Slow at heart). Scenography/production design. Dir. Saara Saarela, cinematography Jarkko T. Laine. Blind Spot Pictures
1999 THEATRE PERFORMANCE: Kaikki naiset näkevät unia. Space/visualisation/costume. Dir. and dramaturgy Katariina Numminen. Takomo Theatre Helsinki
1998 PERFORMANCE: My heart Belongs to Daddy — oireita ja dokumentteja (symptoms and documents). Space/visualisation. Dir. and dram. Katariina Numminen. Performers: Kolina Seppälä and Niina Hosiasluoma. Ateneum Hall, National Gallery Helsinki
1998 DANCE PERFORMANCE: Puista. Space/visualisation/costume. Choreography Kirsi Saastamoinen, composer-sound designer Janne Teivainen. Aalto ARTS ELO and Teak in Tampere Theatre
1997 GROUP EXHIBITION: Scenobox 2000. Joint exhibition by Aalto ARTS ELO-Scenography and Riga Art Academy. Homo Novus -festival & Riga Thatre Museum, Latvia
1995 THEATRE PERFORMANCE: Hystera. Space/visualisation/costume. Direction and dramaturgy Katariina Numminen. TeaK & TaiK production, Helsinki
1995 DANCE FILM 45" (35MM): Sirpalesatu. Scenography/production design. Dir. Saara Cantell, cinematography Rauno Ronkainen, choreography Paula Tuovinen. TaiK & TeaK

A. Research articles and chapters
2023 "Urban spaces between norms and dreams." In Figurations of Peripheries through Art and Visual Studies – Peripheries in Parallax, edited by Mari Mäkiranta, Maiju Loukola and Jonna Tolonen. London: Routledge.
2023 “Reclaiming Subjectivity through urban space intervention: The People’s Architecture Helsinki.” In Performing Institutions. Contested Sites and Structures of Care. Eds. S. Janssen, O. Harsløv, Bristol: Intellect Books.
2020 "From Foaming Exercises to scenarios of emancipatory coexistencies", in RUUKKU Studies in Artistic Research (, with documentation of an artistic process in RUUKKU:
2018 “A Little Distance, Please – On The Relationship Between Mediality and Touch”. In Figures of Touch. Sense, Technics, Body. Elo, M. & Luoto, M. (eds.). Academy of Fine Arts at the University of the Arts Helsinki, Vol. 12, p. 121–152 (Co-authors: Gröndahl, L., Elo, M., Santanen, S., Kirkkopelto, E., Laakso, H., Luoto, M., Nancy, J-L. & Parisi, D.)
2017 "Eripuran tiloissa" [In dissensual spaces]. In Jacques Rancière ja erimielisyyden näyttämöt. Politiikka, oikeus, taide. [Jacques Rancière and the scenes of dissensus. Politics, justice, art.] Ed. Anna Tuomikoski. Helsinki: Tutkijaliitto, 183–198.
2017 "Flying backwards into the future". In Futures of Artistic Research. At the Intersection of Utopia, Academia and Power (Venice proceedings). Eds. Jan Kaila, Anita Seppä and Henk Slager. Helsinki: Writings from the Academy of Fine Arts (05) 2017, University of the Arts Helsinki.
2016 "Weather Station: expedition in search of the climatological and performative potential of sound and sound art in the expanded field of scenography." In Theatre and Performance Design journal, Vol 2, 2/2016. Collaborative article written with four artists of the Finnish exhibition in PQ15. London: Routledge, 103–126.
2014 ”Vähän väliä. Näyttämö, mediaalisuus, kosketus.” [Stage, Mediality and Touch] in Kosketuksen figuureja [Figures of Touch]. Ed. Mika Elo. Helsinki: Tutkijaliitto
2014 ”Screening Media Scenographies.” In Näyttämö & tutkimus publication series, vol. 5: Teatteri ja Mediat [Theatre and media]. Eds. Häti-Korkeila, Roihankorpi, Kortti, Maukola, Järvinen. Helsinki: Theatre Research Society
2009 ”Dwellings in Image-Spaces” in Modes of Spectating. Edited by Alison Oddey and Christine White. Bristol/Chicago: Intellect Books, 197–207.
2009 ”Virtuaalisen piirtymisestä.” [Virtual traces] In Näyttämö & tutkimus publication series, vol. 3: Näkyvää ja näkymätöntä [Visible and invisible]. Eds. Laura Gröndahl, Teemu Paavolainen & Anna Thuring. Helsinki: Theatre Research Society, 69–90.
2006 ”Murtumia esitystilassa.” [Fractures in performance space] In Näyttämö & tutkimus publication series, vol. 2: Liikkeitä näyttämöllä [Movements on Stage]. Helsinki: Theatre Research Society/Helsinki University Press, 108–127.

B. Other articles and texts
2017 "Out 2 – kokeellinen liikkuvan kuvan kollektiiviteos nykyisen ja menneen ajan leikkauspisteitä jäljittämässä." [Out 2 – an experimental collective moving image artwork tracing down the intersections of now and past]. A collective article by Harri Laakso, Maiju Loukola, Henna Herranen, Matti Tanskanen and Saara Kanerva Tamminen. In Lähikuva journal theme number "Ilmaisu, estetiikka ja tyyli" [expression, aesthetics and style], Vol. 1:2017, 76–87.
2014 ”Weather Station – sounding sound.” Essay in Blue Pages Journal, 2014:2. London: The Society of British Theatre Designers, 16–18.
2011 ”Tableau Vivant Scenography”. In Staging thinking. Articles and Essays on Contemporary Finnish Scenography. Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space 2011 exhibition publication. Eds. Loukola & Kilpeläinen. Research articles and artists’ essays ed. by Loukola. Helsinki: Oistat Centre Finland 2011, 16–17.

C. Scientific books (monographs)
2014 Vähän väliä – näyttämön mediaalisuus ja kosketuksen arkkitehtuuri [Anywhere Near – mediality on stage and the architectures of touch]. Helsinki: Aalto ARTS Doctoral Dissertations 40/2014. (In FINNA: )

D. Edited books or special issue of a journal
2024 Co-editor of Claws and Connections – all the world’s senses exhibition publication, with Denise Ziegler, Haidi Motola & Mika Elo, Helsinki: Kuvataideakatemia series.
2023 Editor of Figurations of Peripheries through Art and Visual Studies – Peripheries in Parallax. Eds. Maiju Loukola, Mari Mäkiranta and Jonna Tolonen. London: Routledge.
2020 Editor of 'Slowness and Silence, Inertia and Tranquility', RUUKKU Studies in Artistic Research, theme issue. Eds. Maiju Loukola, Jaana Erkkilä-Hill and Eija Timonen.
2019 Editor of 'Peripheries/ Katveet', theme issue #13 of RUUKKU Studies for Artistic Research. Eds. Maiju Loukola, Eija Timonen and Mari Mäkiranta.
2017 Editor of Taidetutkimus – taiteen ja tutkimuksen leikkauskohtia theme number. In Tiede & Edistys journal, Vol. 2017:4. Eds. Mika Elo, Maiju Loukola and Tuija Kokkonen
2015 Editor of Weather Station exhibition catalogue for Prague Quadrennial 2015. Including excerpts from "Thinking out loud" anthology, ed. and transl. by Heidi Soidinsalo.
2012 Editor of Näyttämöltä tutkimukseksi. Esittävän taiteen metodologiset haasteet. (Staging Research. Methodological Challenges in Research in Performing Arts.) In Näyttämö & tutkimus, Vol. 4. Eds. Liisa Ikonen, Hanna Järvinen and Maiju Loukola. Helsinki: Theatre Research Society publication series
2011 Editor of Staging Thinking. Articles and essays on Contemporary Finnish Scenography, exhibition publication; research articles and artists’ essays, Prague Quadrenniale 2011.
2010 Member of editorial staff in Man from the Square Peg Faculty (Mies väärästä tiedekunnasta, Ari Hirvosen 50-vuotisjuhlakirja). Eds. Janne Porttikivi and Jussi Tiihonen. Editorial staff: Niko Aula, Jari Kauppinen, Maiju Loukola, Sami Santanen. Helsinki: Loki kirjat 2010

2023 Research exchange visit at the WITS School of Arts & WITS School of Architecture. November 2023. Johannesburg, South Africa
2021– University lecturer at the Doctoral Programme, Academy of Fine Arts at the UNIARTS Helsinki
2021–2024 Head of project + researcher in the City as Space of Rules and Dreaming (Kaupunki sääntöjen ja uneksunnan tilana), funded by the KONE FOUNDATION (2021–2024). Sites: UNIARTS Helsinki/Doctoral Programme in Fine Arts, Helsinki University/Faculty of Law, Helsinki University Faculty of Art s/Aesthetics and Aalto University Dept of Built Environment & Architecture
2017–2021 Project researcher (postdoc), Floating Peripheries – mediating the sense of place, funded by the Academy of Finland (Sites of research: Aalto ARTS ELO / Dept. of Film and Scenography and ViCCA Visual Cultures and Contemporary Art, with a sub-project at the University of Lapland Faculty of Art and design). (The applicant ML is the responsible grantwriter of the consortium application)
2019 Art research and teaching visit, Universität der Künste UdK Berlin, Germany, December 2019
2019 Researcher-artist's visit, Ouvroir de Littérature Potentielle / OuLiPo, Paris, March 2019
2019 Researcher-artist's visit/ planning meeting of collaboration with M. Jacques Rancière, Paris, March 2019
2018 Research visit, Universität der Künste UdK Berlin, Germany, December 2018
2018 Research visit, A.S.F.A. Athens School of Fine Arts, Greece, August 2018
2018 Research visit/residency, Finnish Institute at Athens, Greece, July 2018
2016 Research visit, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia, July 2016
2015–2017 Postdoctoral researcher, Aalto ARTS/ELO
2013–2014 Project researcher, Hidden Cities, a project deploying site-specific performance and pervasive gaming in urban space. Test project by Aalto ARTS ELO, Aalto University SCI Dept. of Information and Computer Science, Technology Academy of Finland, Helsinki Institute of Information Technology (HIIT)
2009–2012 Project researcher (Doctoral candidate), Figures of Touch, 4-year research project funded by the Academy of Finland (Sites of research: Aalto ARTS, Theatre Academy, Helsinki University and University of Linköping)
2008–2010 Research assistant (Doctoral candidate), Aalto ARTS, ELO
2016 Artist residency, Sfakiotes Residency, August 2016, Greece
2014 Art & research visit, Danish Institute, Rome and Teatro Potlach, Fara Sabina. Organiser of Citta Invisibili workshop in Spacing Performance Symposium (with D. Hannah), Rome, Italy January 2014
2008 Artist residency, Finnish Artists’ Association residency, Grassina, Italy. 1.7.–1.9.2008
2007 Research visit, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge School of Art, March 2007, UK
2005 Artist residency, Finnish Artists’ Association residency, Grassina, Italy 1.6.–31.7.2005

2022– EARN/European Artistic Research Network 'space + practice WG’, convener
2021– Member of editorial committee of Tiede & Edistys journal
2018–2021 Member of editorial board of Tiede & Edistys journal
2017– Member of editorial board of RUUKKU studies in artistic research
2015 Curator of the Finnish exhibition “Weather Station” in Prague Quadrennial of Performance design and Space, Prague, CZ. (Awarded for "Media in Performance" + nominated for the main award), 18–26 June 2015
2007–2016 Member, Oistat International Research Commission
2012– Member, Society of Artistic Research, SAR
2012– Member, Performance Philosophy Network
2019 Member of advisory group and initiator of Art and Evolution project. Performance Centre [Esitystaiteen keskus a.k.a. Eskus]. With Esa Kirkkopelto, Saara Hannula and Hanna-Kaisa Tiainen
2017 Chair of the Prague Quadrennial 2019 jury in the 1st phase for the Finnish artist selection
2017–2018 Chair of Finnish Oistat Centre
2015– Member of the Research Steering Group, Aalto ARTS ELO
2014 Curator, WEATHER STATION PQ-pre-exhibition on sound/sound art in performance,
MUU Gallery Helsinki, 2–12 Oct 2014
2011–2012 Member of the Board, Finnish Theatre Research Association
2009–2010 Secretary and member of the Board, Finnish Theatre Research association
2006–2017 Member of the Board, Finnish Oistat Centre (International Organisation of performance designers, spatial artists and architects)
2004– Member, Artists’ Association MUU ry
2007–2012 Member, Finnish Society for Aesthetics

2024 "Anti-ruinous activity alone allowed in the soon past future. Excerpts from City Space Practices". KuvA Research Days 2024
2024 Roundtable presentation, in ‘City is sound, city is quicksand’ art + research event, Hietsun paviljonki, 23.5.
2022 "Inscribed need to get lost, terrified, dream", presentation at KuvA Research Days 12.12.
2022 "serious space tottering practices", talk in Ari Hirvosen muistoseminaari, organised by Sofy, Hietsun paviljonki, Tutkijaliitto + Kaupunki sääntöjen ja uneksunnan tilana -hanke, Helsingin yliopisto 26.8.
2022 "Spatial justice in your dreams", Kaupunkitutkimuksen päivät/ Urban research days, Tampere, in Urban sustainability between spatial, social and data justice working group
2021 Panel discussion at Time and Space Arts day at Oodi Central Library / Kuvataideakatemian tutkimuspäivät 2021, Tila-aikataiteen tutkimuspäivä Oodi Keskustakirjastolla yhdessä Tila-aikataiteen maisteriopiskelijoiden kanssa + Tila-aikataiteen opiskelijoiden näyttelyn "In the Spaces of Rules and Dreaming" katselmus (kuratoinut Tanja Kiiveri) Oodissa
2020 Artistic intervention in an online workshop Indisciplinary Interventions: Introduction to Jacques Rancière's thinking of art and politics, with Tuomas Laitinen, Zoom/Helsinki, May
2019 SKENE+GRAPHEIN / (a) writing (a) scene. A performative presentation in Convocation–expanded language practices in Research Pavilion #3: Research Ecologies Discursive events. With Ivana Momçilovic + Liisa Ikonen. Venice, 17 June
2019 Foaming Exercises. Presentation in the Discursive events series of Research Pavilion #3 opening week program. In collaboration with Paul Cegys. Venice, 8–10 May
2019 God is in the Bubbles. Exercises on Polyspherical Spatiality. Presentation in Floating Peripheries Conference – Sites and Situations. University of Lapland, Rovaniemi 14–16 Jan 2019.
2018 Performance technologies and sensable experience / Esitysteknologiat ja aistikokemus. Invited keynote speech in “Theater Design: Digitalizing Scene”. Theatre Museum of Helsinki, 11 Nov
2018 Terror Spaces, Foams. Presentation in Alliances and Commonalities Conference. Stockholm University of the Arts (SWE), 25–27 Oct
2018 Organiser of working group (refereed): Emansipatorisia murtumia kaupunkitilassa [Emancipatory fractures in urban space]. In Urban Research Days 2018: Alternative cities. In collaboration with Ari Hirvonen (Department of Law, Helsinki University). Helsinki 3.–4.5.
2017 My beloved ones. Presentation in Floating Peripheries consortium opening seminar, Magito Studio Helsinki 7.11.
2016 Peripheral scenographies. Paper in Performance Studies International (PSi) Conference #22 Performance Climates, Melbourne University 8.7.
2016 Landscape scenographies. Presentation with Dorita Hannah, Alice Lewis, Emma Shephard-Simms, Katrina Simon & Sean Coyle in Performance Studies International (PSi) Conference #22 (Performance+Design_Working Group panel), Melbourne University 7.7.
2015 Città aperta. Presentation in "Expanded Scenography" seminar in Theatre Research Society seminar, 8.12. Aalto ARTS
2015 Politics of senses and everyman's urban space. Conference presentation in "Politics of participation and spatialities of politics" panel. Urban Studies Days (Kaupunkitutkimuksen päivät) conference, Tampere University 11.–12.5.2015
2015 Finnish showcase, Performance Design in Finland. Invited speech, TINFO/Theatre Info Finland in the Centre for Practice as Research in Theatre Tampere, 9.8.
2014 Arcitectures of touch. Media scenographies in and as performative space.
Presentation at Researcher’s Breakfast seminar. Aalto ARTS Media Factory, 2.2.
2014 Architectures of Touch and the politics of senses. "Spacing Performance Symposium”.
Roskilde University and Aalto ARTS, at the Danish Institute of Rome, Italy 6.–13.1.
2012 Virtuality Touching. ”Virtual and Multimedial Performance Ecologies” Conference. DREX/Centre for Practice as Research, Tampere University with Aalto ARTS, ELO-Scenography), Helsinki 13.1.
2011 Taking Phantom Ache for Real. Prague Quadrennial 2011 Seminar on contemporary Finnish Scenography. Organized by Finnish Oistat Centre, Prague CZ 15.6.–26.6.
2010 Scenography lived. “Scenography Expanding Symposium: On Spectatorship.” Riga, Latvia 25.-26.2.2010. Part of Prague Quadrennial 2011 “Intersection: Intimacy and Spectacle” symposia.
2009 Virtuaalikuvallisuus ja kosketus (Virtual Imaginality and Touch). In ”Teorian käytäntö” (Practice of Theory) Conference organized by Society for Cultural Studies in Finland, Jyväskylä 11.–12.12.
2009 Re-reflecting history: Images white-washed. In “How Art Performs History” Seminar organized by The Finnish Theatre Research Society in collaboration with the Estonian Theatre Research Society, Tallinn 27.–28.11.
2009 Calculations: hands & being taught by the horsie—On kinesthetic empathy. ”Joint Research Day in Artistic Research” organized by the Figures of Touch research project, TUTKE and the Department of Postgraduate Studies of the Finnish Academy of Fine Arts. Theatre Academy, Helsinki, 28.10.
2008 Virtuality and haptic visuality. “Interregnum #14—In-between States” Conference, Performance Studies International (Psi). In panel “Ruptures, Crises and Paradoxes—about the shifting visibility of the performance” by Maiju Loukola, Pilvi Porkola and Tomi Humalisto. University of Copenhagen, Dept. for Arts and Cultural Studies, Copenhagen DK, 20. –24.8.
2008 Potential stages of virtuality. “ReSEARCH: Designing Performance—Performing Design” Conference organized by Finnish Oistat Centre & Oistat International Research Commission. Theatre Academy Helsinki, Dept. of Sound & Lighting Design, 6.6.–9.6.
2007 Experiencing Images. “Transliteracy: The History and Theory of Scenography—interdisciplinary making and reading of Images” symposium by Prague Quadrennial & Scenography International. Prague, CZ 14. –24.6.
2007 Dwellings in Image-Spaces. “Different Directions Symposium: Modes of Spectating”.
Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge UK, 30.3.
2006 Transpatiality and Performative Space. “Performing Places Seminar: Media and embodiment in urban environment”. USED (Urban Spaces and Experience Design), m-cult, Theatre Academy Helsinki, Aalto ARTS Dpt. of Media, Media lab and HIIT (Helsinki Institute for Information Technology). Helsinki, 7.-9.11.2006
2006 Video and the Performance Space—ontological approach on video in the black box in Digitalisation and “New Media in Performance” WG, in “Global vs. Local” FIRT/IFTR Conference (International Federation for Theatre Research), Helsinki University, 7. –12.8.
2005 Room, Scenery. Study on transparency in performance. “Combining Art and design Practices with Research” Conference, Aalto ARTS, School of Design. Helsinki, 12. –13.9.