Giacomo Bottà

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Giacomo (Morbegno, 1974) is a researcher at the University of the Arts Helsinki, within the “Diversity of Music Heritage in Finland” project funded by the Kone Foundation, where he is examining electronic music practices in Helsinki and a folk music festival in Kaustinen as examples of possible intangible cultural heritagisation.

He holds the Title of Docent (Dosentti/Adjunct Professor) in urban studies at the University of Helsinki and in music research at Tampere University.

He is interested in urban cultures and imaginaries, the night-time economy, (post)industrial cities, music scenes and their spatialisation. He is the author of Deindustrialisation and Popular Music: Punk and ‘Post-Punk’ in Manchester, Düsseldorf, Torino and Tampere (Rowman 2020).