Aune Kallinen
- Professor, Swedish degree programme in acting, Theatre Academy
- +358469219098
Publications in the research database (5)
In all Aune’s artistic work political, corporeal and meditative qualities are present, and the power relations are somehow questioned. They are interested in creating performative structures that enable polyphony and the autonomous creation of the dramaturgies of the performers/actors as well as other collaborators. Their way of making performances includes practices from live art to somatics, and a wide range of critical theories around social and natural sciences.
As a teacher Aune aim to support the students towards their own interests and challenge them to take risks and to try the impossible. Often studying happens in and as artistic processes, combined with contextualizing and decolonizing the materials at hand through theoretical and research-oriented approach. The ethics of their pedagogy are built on a notion “we are always many” (Donna Haraway and others), and they make room and facilitate polyphony, simultaneity, not-knowing, listening and wondering in all their teaching.