Annamari Pölhö
- Lecturer, harpsichord, Early music, Sibelius Academy
Publications in the research database (62)
Teaching basso continuo, harpsichord ja chamber music as well as working as a harpsichordist 1990–2003 and 2006–2019.
Lecturer of Early Music, Head of Early Music Department, tutor of Early music students since August 2019.
Active freelance musician in various ensembles and orchestras, performing in Finland and Europe, USA, Canada and Egypt.
Keyboard player of the Finnish Baroque Orchestra since 1990 and member of the FiBO Collegium audience working group 2009-2019 and chairman of it 2015-2018.
Created the new concept "Baroque Workshop for Seniors" - a late music education project as a final project of his undergraduate studies in Music Therapy (Open Uni, University of the Arts, 2014) and served as its artistic director from 2015-2019.
Recorded especially for Alba and Ondine, made numerous recordings and live recordings for YLE and EBU.
Lecturer in Early Music at Metropolia AMK (former Stadia) 2001-2015 and Novia AMK 2016-2017.