Sörnäinen campus

The Sörnäinen Campus in central Helsinki offers an inspiring learning environment especially for students of fine arts, theatre and dance.


Uniarts Helsinki’s Sörnäinen campus comprises two buildings: the Kookos building, and the new Mylly (“The Mill”) building.

The Kookos Building, in which the Theatre Academy is located, provides facilities especially for dance and theatre students. The Mylly building, which was completed in 2021, houses students of fine arts, lighting and sound design, and design for the performing arts.

There is also a comprehensive library and a student restaurant on the Sörnäinen campus.

In Helsinki, Uniarts Helsinki operates on two campuses: The Töölö campus focuses primarily on music, while students of fine arts, theatre and dance study on the Sörnäinen campus.

Pho­tog­ra­phy and film­ing on campuses

Photography and filming for personal use or for journalistic purposes is allowed in the university’s public facilities, as long as it does not disturb our core activities. Read the instructions about pho­tog­ra­phy and film­ing in Uniarts Helsinki’s facilities.


Sörnäisten rantatie 19, 00530 Helsinki, Finland

Contact information

Visiting addresses

Kookos: Haapaniemenkatu 6, Helsinki
Mylly: Sörnäisten rantatie 19, Helsinki
Archive: Kaikukatu 4, Helsinki

Location on map