How to apply for exchange studies at the Theatre Academy

Find out if you can apply and how is it done.

Who can apply?

We accept exchange applications from all Erasmus+ programme eligible institutions. In addition, students from institutions that have a Bilateral Agreement with Uniarts Helsinki’s Theatre Academy, are eligible to apply. Please contact your home institution’s international office to find out whether you can apply for an exchange study period at the Theatre Academy.

Application schedule and semester dates

Application schedule

  • The application period for the autumn term 2025 or the academic year 2025-2026 is from March 10 to April 7, 2025
  • The application period for the spring term 2026 is from September 15 to October 15, 2025.

Academic calendar 2024-2025

  • Autumn term 2024, first and last day of teaching: 5 August – 20 December
  • Spring term 2025, first and last day of teaching: 7 January – 13 June

Academic calendar 2025-2026

  • Autumn term 2025, first and last day of teaching: 4 August – 19 December
  • Spring term 2026, first and last day of teaching: 7 January – 12 June

Application guidelines

You need to submit the application in Easy Mobility Online by the deadline April 7, 2025. We ask you not to leave starting the application too close to the deadline: there are steps you need to follow to confirm the final submission.  Applications sent after the deadline will not be considered.

You will receive the link to the application form after you home university has nominated you.  

After sending the application form, you will receive an email with a link to get access to application workflow, where you need to upload needed documents, links to your video recordings/portfolio, edit your study plan and answer some more questions. Follow the workflow step-by-step, and finally, confirm submission.  

You can apply to the Theatre Academy either for the autumn term, spring term or full academic year. The maximum length of exchange studies at the Theatre Academy is two terms within one study cycle (Bachelor/Master/Doctoral).

In the application, you must specify which study programme in the Theatre Academy you are applying for. The availability of studies in English varies yearly and from programme to another. Once accepted, exchange students are advised to take individual courses from other programmes besides their main programme of study. Theatre Academy students can also take courses from other Uniarts Helsinki academies. We offer a great variety of studies in the field of arts that you can select for your learning agreement.

Different study options are presented on the Uniarts Helsinki website and course information is published in our Study Guide. Please note that autumn term’s teaching is confirmed by 15 May and spring term’s teaching by 31 October, which means the information might not be up-to-date during the application period.

In order to become a successful applicant, you should have some previous studies in the subject(s) you are planning to study at the Theatre Academy.

You should have good competence (at least B2) in the language you are going to study in. For most exchange students the language of studies is English.

Only a very limited number of exchange students are accepted each term. Students are selected based on their applications and the availability of studies in English.

Study programmes open for applications

Below you can find information on which study programmes are open for exchange applications for the academic year 2025-2026 (autumn term 2025 and/or spring term 2026).  

Please note that if you wish to apply for spring semester 2026, the application period will be in the autumn 2025. 

You can read about all the Theatre Academy study programmes on our website. 

Acting (BA and MA) – two study programmes

In the Theatre Academy, there are two programmes in Acting, both are five-year programmes, with BA studies and MA studies. One of the programmes has Finnish as the main language of teaching and the other has Swedish.

The acting programme (in Finnish) is open for exchange applications only for spring term 2026.

The acting programme (in Swedish) is open for applications only for the autumn term 2025. The courses will be in Swedish which means that the applicant has to be able to speak Swedish or other Scandinavian languages.

For more info on the two programmes, see their website: 
Acting in Finnish 
Acting in Swedish 

In general, about 4 workshops (one or two weeks) are offered every year that are in English. In addition, there are usually weekly classes in movement (dance, acrobatics) and voice training (signing) that our exchange students can also join.

Choreography (MA) 

The MA programme in Choreography is open for applications for the autumn term 2025.

Dance (BA) 

The BA programme in dance is open for applications for the academic year 2025-2026. Exchange student will be enrolled with the 2nd year class at Theatre Academy.

Dance Performance (MA) 

The MA programme in Dance Performance is open for applications for the academic year 2025-2026.

Dance Pedagogy (MA) 

The MA programme in Dance Pedagogy is not open for applications for the academic year 2025-2026.

Theatre Pedagogy (MA) 

The MA programme in Theatre Pedagogy is not open for applications for the academic year 2025-2026.

Dramaturgy (BA and MA) and Comparative Dramaturgy and Performance Research (CDPR)(MA)

In the field of dramaturgy, Theatre Academy has two programmes: a five-year programme in Dramaturgy and Playwriting and an English MA programme in Comparative Dramaturgy and Performance Research.  

The MA programme in Comparative Dramaturgy and Performance Research is open for applications for the academic year 2025-2026.

Degree Programme in Dramaturgy and Playwriting is not open for applications for the academic year 2025-2026.

Directing (BA and MA) 

The directing programme is not open for applications for the academic year 2025-2026.

Design for the Performing Arts (BA and MA) 

In the programme, scenography is treated as a versatile area of art and design that is linked to contemporary performance. Read more on about the degree programme in Design for the Performing Arts on the website. 

The programme is open for applications only for autumn term 2025.

For the exchange studies in scenography, it is recommended to have at least two years of studies completed when you apply, as the offered studies are suitable for 3rd year BA or MA students.

Lighting Design (BA and MA)

The programme in Lighting Design is open for applications for the academic year 2025-2026. Please note that in the spring term, teaching of lighting design focuses mainly on guidance in students’ optional productions.

It is recommended to have at least two years of studies completed when you apply, as the offered studies are MA-level studies.

Sound Design (BA and MA) 

The programme in Sound Design is open for applications for the academic year 2025-2026.

Part of SAMA Sound Art & Sonic Arts, offered as optional studies at Uniarts Helsinki, can be included in Sound Design studies.

Live Art and Performance Studies (LAPS) (MA) 

This programme is an English master’s programme that combines performance theory with live art and performance art. The MA programme in LAPS is open for applications for the academic year 2025-2026. Exchange student will participate in teaching for 1st year MA students.

Doctoral Programme of Artistic Research in Performing Arts  

Theatre Academy’s doctoral programme is open for applications for the autumn term 2025 and for the academic year 2025-2026. Please note that exchange only in the spring term 2026 is not possible.

Exchange students will participate in the study weeks that are held once a month (four study weeks per semester); the rest of the time they are expected to work on their thesis project and assignments. Most courses are organised in cooperation with the doctoral education provided by Uniarts Helsinki’s Academy of Fine Arts. Instruction is provided mainly in English.

Required documents and videos

Before filling in the online application, please prepare the following material required for the application.

Motivational letter

  • Describe why you would like to study specifically in the study programme you have chosen, and what are your expectations and goals for the studies at Theatre Academy.
  • If you are applying to more than one study programme, please explain it in your motivational letter.
  • Choreography and Dance applicants: in the letter, make a connection to your video recording.
  • In the application system, the maximum length for the motivational letter is 3500 characters.

Curriculum Vitae

  • Maximum 2 pages, in PDF format
  • Please name the document in the following way: “Lastname_CV”
  • In the CV, describe your previous studies, work experience, projects, and other relevant information.

Copy of an official ID

  • Scan of your passport or other official ID with a photo

Transcript of records

  • An official transcript of records (in English, Finnish or Swedish)

A preliminary study plan

  • You will need to make a preliminary study plan in the application system. In the plan, list the study units you would like to take during your exchange.
  • The course catalogues for the Theatre Academy study programmes are available here: In some BA & MA programmes all courses listed in the study guide are not available every academic year. In the section “study programmes open for applications” is mentioned which class exchange student will be participating.
  • The plan is preliminary, it will give us an idea of your interests. There will be changes to it before your learning agreement is approved.
  • In addition to your chosen study programme, you can also apply for courses listed in the catalogues under Uniarts optional studies, Theatre Academy Elective studies and Studies for exchange students.

Creative portfolio – Scenography / Design / Live Art and Performance Art students

  • Format: a link to a website or a pdf file
  • Name the PDF portfolio in the following way: “Lastname_portfolio”
  • The creative portfolio should showcase your own work and interest as a designer / performance artist.
  • The maximum size for a portfolio in PDF format is 20 MB. Please pay close attention to the quality and size of the pictures.

Text sample OR a video – Dramaturgy (BA and MA) and Comparative Dramaturgy and Performance Research (MA) 

Text sample:
  • Max. 10 pages, in PDF format  
  • Please name the document followingly: “Lastname_text sample” 
  • Applicant can decide the genre without restrictions 
  • Insert a link to an online video / a video file. 

Summary of research plan – doctoral students

  • Maximum 2 pages, in PDF format
  • Please name the document as follows: “Lastname_Research plan”
  • Include the background, objectives, methods and main references of your doctoral research project.

Media Files (Dance, Choreography, Dance & Theatre Pedagogy, Comparative Dramaturgy and Performance Research)

Applicants in Dance or Choreography: Insert a link to an online video or upload a video file. The video should show your own work and interest as a choreographer or dancer. In your motivational letter, discuss the video recording.

For applicants in Dramaturgy (BA and MA) and Comparative Dramaturgy and Performance Research (MA): Insert a link to an online video / a video file (OR a text sample, see instructions above). 

Applicants in Dance and Theatre Pedagogy: Insert a link to an online video or upload a video file. Make a video where you tell about your own experience and interest as a theatre/dance pedagogue. Video’s duration should be about 10 minutes.

Evaluation and final decisions

We will only evaluate applications that have been completed in full and submitted through the online application system within the deadline. The final decision will be based on the quality of the application and on the availability of study places and courses in English.

The applications for the autumn term and the whole academic year will be evaluated in April–May. We will notify both the applicant and the coordinator of the sending institution about the decision in May.

The applications for the spring term will be evaluated in October. We will notify both the applicant and the coordinator of the sending institution of the decision in November.

We request that accepted students confirm their exchange in May / November. Once the student has confirmed the exchange, we will send a letter of acceptance by email.

Short-term mobilities

We also accept students for short-term mobility periods. These short-term exchanges are usually organized within existing networks such as Norteas or through other institutional collaboration. Short-term mobilities are only available to students from our existing partner institutions. Please note that we are able to accept only a very limited number of students for short-term studies. 

The mobility period can be 5-30 days, but usually it lasts 1-2 weeks. You also must receive funding (Erasmus+/Nordplus) from your home university for your mobility period.  

There is no application form for the short-term mobility because they are usually agreed individually and through the coordination of teaching staff. If you are coming to a single course or other short-term mobility, please contact Theatre Academy’s International relations coordinator at the latest two months before the planned mobility period. You need to inform us of your planned mobility period and who is the responsible teacher.

Contact International Relations staff

If you have questions about the application process, please contact us at