DocMus Research Publication series’ Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines for preparing article manuscripts (anthology)

The antologies of the Series have two formats: print form and electronic file. The language of the volume is British English, and British spellings and punctuation should thus be used consistently (see particulars below). There will be language correction for manuscripts accepted for publication, but we still ask non-native authors to have their texts corrected before sending their submissions.

The expected length of each article is approximately 10–20 pages, including bibliography.

The manuscript together with an English abstract (ca. 300–500 words) should be sent by Editor in Chief as a word document file to the Editors, along with all other pertinent material (e.g. photographs, illustrations, charts) in appropriate electronic files (.jpg, etc.). Please also provide a brief presentation about yourself (max. 200 words) for inclusion in the volume.

All articles will be peer reviewed by two anonymous readers.


  • You may mark the bibliographical references as text references or as footnotes. But, choose one system for bibliographical references, either footnotes or in-text references, not both.
  • For in-text references give the author’s surname (without a comma), year of publication, page number(s). End the reference entry with a period (.), and separate multiple references with a semicolon (;). Examples:  (Lewenhaupt 1988, 119; Dixelius-Brettner 1919, 227–229; Rutherford 2009, 2, 21, 179–202).
  • If you use footnotes (not endnotes) make use of the automatic continuous footnote numbering in the word programme, and start with the number 1. Superscript numerals (e.g. the footnote numerals) should normally follow punctuation (s.v. “Quotations and quotation marks” below).  
  • The footnote format should be as follows: when citing sources, give the author’s surname (without a comma), year of publication, page number(s). End the reference entry with a period(.), and separate multiple references with a semicolon (;). Examples:  Lewenhaupt 1988, 119; Dixelius-Brettner 1919, 227–229; Rutherford 2009, 2, 21, 179–202.
  • Cite newspapers as follows (when no article title and/or author is indicated in the original):
  • Helsingfors Dagblad 9 September 1863.
  • Cite references to letters as follows: c) Emilie Bergbom > Ida Basilier, Helsingfors 1 May 1871; Emilie Bergbom > Kaarlo Bergbom, Helsingfors 2 July 1871, Finnish Literature Society/Literary Archives, Emilie Bergbom’s Archives nr. 51 and 45 (respectively).
  • Along with sources, footnotes may contain additional information.


The bibliography should list all sources cited in the text, with full bibliographical details given for each. List reseach materials first (e.g. music manuscripts, contemporary newspapers, archival documents, original diaries, letters, minutes of meetings, personal notes) as in the following example:

Archival sources

Kaarlo and Emilie Bergbom’s Archive, Finnish Literature Society, Literary Archives.

Ludvig Josephson’s Archive, National Library of Sweden.

Libretti and scores

Cammarano, Salvatore and Leone Emanuele Bardare 2009 (1853), Il trovatore / Der Troubadour (Giuseppe Verdi), transl. Henning Mehnert, Stuttgart: Reclam.

Verdi, Giuseppe 2009 (1853). Il trovatore, full score, Milano: Ricordi.

Newspapers and periodicals

Bayreuther Blätter 1891.

Helsingfors Dagblad 1863.

Fiction, Poetry, Epics

Eschenbach, Wolfram von 1898. Parzival, ed. Wilhelm Hertz, Stuttgart: J.G. Cotta.


Froelich, Carl 1913. Richard Wagner – Eine Film-Biographie zur Feier der 100. Wiederkehr des Geburtstages des Meisters, Berlin: Messter Film GmbH. Re-published as DVD Silent Wagner, Tony Palmer Films TPDVD171, 2010.

After the section for research materials in the bibliography, list your Research Literature in alphabetical order (see below).

Research Literature

Brigden, Susan 1982. Youth and the English Reformation, Past and Present, 95: 37–67.

Fitzmaurice, James 2003. Autobiography, Parody and the Sociable Letters of Margaret Cavendish, in Stephen Clucas (ed.), A Princely Brave Woman: Essays on Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle, Aldershot: Ashgate. 69–86.

Rutherford, Susan 2009. The Prima Donna and Opera, 1815–1930, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Werner, Michael and Bénédicte Zimmermann 2006. Beyond comparison: histoire croisée and the challenge of reflexivity, History and Theory, 45/1: 30–50.

Internet sources

Cite internet sources as follows: <> and give the date of access.

Typographical issues

Quotations and quotation marks

Quotations/extracts must reproduce the original text exactly in both spelling and punctuation (including mistakes in the original; in such cases indicate the error by inserting the word sic in square brackets [sic] immediately following the mistake or give an explanatory footnote). Translations of foreign language quotations should be provided in English in the main body of the text, with the original language supplied in a footnote.

Quotations/extracts of fewer than 50 words can be worked into the main body of the text and should be clearly marked with opening and closing quotation marks. Quotations/extracts of 50 words or more should be set as a separate, indented paragraph without quotation marks (the so-called display quote). Notes or editorial comments within quotations/extracts should appear in square brackets. Any omission in the quotation must be indicated by an ellipsis, as follows: […].

The source of the quotation/extract should always be included, either in the introductory sentence or in the footnotes.

Quotation marks should be double (“ ”) and turned in the English-language way (not “  “). Use single marks only for quotations within quotations (‘ ’). For all quotation marks, use curly marks, not straight ones, as shown here: ` ΄.

The closing quotation mark should precede any punctuation, unless the text quoted forms a complete sentence; for example:

He commented that it was the best of times’, but she retorted, It was the worst of times.’”

Underlining should be avoided, unless it appears in the original (including quotations from letters). Otherwise, where possible use italics for emphasis, and indicate clearly whose emphasis this is (yours or someone else’s).

Photographs, illustrations, musical examples, figures

Do not embed any photographs, musical examples or figure illustrations in the Word files. Instead, save them in a separate file and label them clearly; for example,  Fig1.tif, or Fig 2.jpg, etc. Using square brackets, indicate directly in the text where you would like the figure to appear; for example:

[insert Figure1 here – Wagner’s portrait]

We will place it as close to the indication as possible.

For photographs provide high resolution (min. 600dpi) TIFF files.

For music examples, please supply:

  1. the original files (preferably in Sibelius format); and
  2. high-resolution 1200 dpi TIF files or high-resolution PDF files with fonts embedded.

Provide captions for all illustrations, photographs, figures, music examples, etc. The captions should be brief, informative and clearly numbered to indicate the appropriate item (photograph, figure, etc.). Place the caption for the text file with an insertion instruction at the point in the text where the captioned item is to appear; e.g.:

Example 1. Richard Wagner, Tannhäuser, Overture, bars 1–10.

Permissions/copyrights should appear in the List of Music Examples, not with the captions, unless otherwise specified by the copyright holder.

Further important details


  • Avoid whenever possible. If abbreviations are needed, then write out the term in full at its first appearance followed by its abbreviation in round brackets. Abbreviations are usually expressed without full stops: GNP, USA, PhD
  • Abbreviations that end with the same letter as the original word, such as eds, edn, Mr and Dr, should not be followed by a full stop.
  • Abbreviations that do not end with the last letter of the original word, such as ed. or ch., should have a full stop; hence, eds (editors) and ed. (editor) are both correct.
  • The following abbreviations are acceptable:  i.e., e.g., Vol. 1.


Give the artist, the title of the work (in italics), its dimensions (in cm), the medium, date and source. This information should follow the image caption.

Bold, Italics, Underlining

The use of bold should be restricted to A-level headings only. Use italics instead of bold to emphasize words within the text. However, if you are quoting a letter that uses underline or bold for emphasis, then underlining or bold should be used. Avoid overuse of emphasis in the text through typefonts.

Italics should be used for titles of books and journals, newspapers, films, plays, stage directions, foreign words/phrases, song titles, etc.

Capital letters

Aside from their use in proper names, capital letters should be used sparingly. Do use capitals to distinguish the specific from the general: ‘He is Professor of Economics at Oxford University’ , but ‘He is a professor at Oxford University’.


Pre-decimal currency (UK) should be formatted thus: £3, 3s, 3d.

Dashes and hyphens

  • Please turn off the automatic hyphenation.
  • Spaced en dashes – not em dashes (—) or hyphens (-) – should be used for parenthetical comments.
  • En dashes (–) should be used rather than hyphens in date ranges and number spans, for example: 1920–30 and 47–69. Also use en dashes in links such as “cost–benefit analysis”.
  • Hyphenation should be used in dates when these are adjectival, such as “in seventeenth-century Sweden”; otherwise, no hyphen is used: “Bach was born in the seventeenth century.”


  • Cite dates in British English style: 18 August 2000.
  • Decades should appear without an apostrophe: the 1990s, the 90s.
  • Plurals do not take an apostrophe unless the word is also possessive. For example: the MPs of the 1950s. Cf. The MPs’ decision was negative.

Ellipses and square brackets

  • The correct form for marking an ellipsis is […] with a character space on either side of the bracket.
  • Square brackets are also used to indicate editorial comments, translations in the text or interpolations into quotations.


The main font is Times New Roman, 12 pt.

Foreign words

Accents should be retained in foreign words, with the exception of French uppercase letters, such as école and Ecole. Foreign words should be italicized.


Top, bottom, left, right – in each case the margin is consistently 3 cm.

Measures and other numbers

Units of measure do not take a full stop (mm, kg) nor do they take a final “s” in the plural (70 cm, 100 g). There should be a space between the number and the unit of measure, for example, 3 kg, but no space between initials (J.J. Smith).

Numbers from one to nine should be written out in full unless they are accompanied by a unit of measure, for example: 3 kg, 5 m or 2 per cent. Numbers that begin a sentence should always be written out in full. Centuries should also be written out in full (the nineteenth century). Numbers over nine should appear in figures, unless the number is used in general terms, for example: “about a hundred people” (numbers used within the same sentence may follow one style). Numbers with four or more digits should be separated by a comma (4,000).

Numbers denoting a range (of dates, pages, etc.) should be written out in full; for example: 22–23, 1944–1946 or 100–103 (not: 1944–46, 22–3, 100–3). This directive also applies to the bibliography.


Apply automatic page numbering for your article starting with 1.

Paragraphs, sections, and headings

Use indentations to indicate a change of paragraph, rather than double spacing. Use first-line indents, not tabs.

Number the sections in the text with roman numerals, even if you need only A-level headings. And besides the roman numerals, provide titles for the sections in your article.


The possessive “s” should be used as follows: Keynes’s, Jones’s; however, in the case of classical and biblical names, it should be: Theophilus’, Moses’, Jesus’.


Cite as Act I, scene 3.

Spellings and contractions

  • Use “-ize” in spellings (i.e. organization rather than organisation, emphasize rather than emphasise).
  • Avoid excessive use of contractions (I’d, they’ll, aren’t, wouldn’t).


  • Bullet points (•): Use these in making lists.
  • Percentages: The % symbol should only be used in tables and figures; otherwise, it should be written as ‘per cent’ (two words) in the text.
  • Ampersand (&): Use the ampersand sparingly. Normally, it is properly used only when the symbol is an official part of a company name, for example, Breitkopf & Härtel, Marks & Spencer, AT&T. Otherwise, spell out the word “and”.

It is the responsibility of each author to seek written permission for any work under copyright, and also to settle any relevant fees, a process that can take a considerable amount of time. Start the application process early, as soon as you know which material you want to include. Permissions must have been granted at the time the article is submitted.

Apply to the correct copyright holder, who is often the publisher rather than the author of the material. Copyright for an image or figure may be held by someone other than the author. Acknowledgements in published sources should help in identifying the copyright holder(s). Note that music may still be under copyright 70 years after the death of its composer.

In applying for copyright use, be sure to obtain both print and electronic rights (ebook usage).