Application to Master’s Degree Programme in Choreography

No admission in 2024.

Application Instructions for 2023 Student Selection for the Master’s Degree Programme in Choreography

Please note that there will be changes to these admission criteria and advance assignments in the next application round.

Length of study and the language of the degree

  • Length of study: 2 years
  • Language of degree: Finnish or English

Eligibility for education

You are eligible to apply for Master’s Degree Programme in Choreography if you have:

  1. completed a higher education degree in Finland and your degree includes at least 30 ECTS credits worth of studies in dance or performing arts or a supporting field

  2. completed a bachelor’s degree abroad, which in the country concerned grants eligibility to undertake higher education studies at master’s level, and your degree comprises at least 30 ECTS credits worth of studies in dance or performing arts or a supporting field 


  3. if you have acquired sufficient knowledge and competence, as determined by the Theatre Academy, on the basis of your studies and work experience in the field. In this case, you must have completed at least 60 ECTS credits worth of higher education studies in dance or performing arts or a supporting field by the end of the application period. In addition, we require at least two years of full-time work in the field of dance or performing arts (equal to 120 ECTS credits worth of studies).
    This option is intended for applicants with an incomplete undergraduate degree or applicants who have completed other studies in the arts, such as studies at the Open University. 

Attachments required to verify eligibility

Section 1 
Attach a degree certificate and a transcript of records to your application. Clearly mark the minimum number of ECTS credits (30) required in the transcript of records or a separate appendix for dance or performing arts studies or the higher education studies supporting them.  
Section 2 
Attach a degree certificate and a transcript of records as well as Diploma Supplement to your application. If a Diploma Supplement is not available, provide a separate report on the status of the foreign degree in the education system of the country of study, and a description of the duration of the programme. Clearly mark the minimum number of ECTS credits (30) required in the transcript of records or a separate appendix for dance or performing arts studies or the higher education studies supporting them. 
Section 3 
Attach a transcript of records of the minimum number of ECTS credits (60) required for dance or performing arts or the higher education studies that support them. In addition, provide a clear itemisation of two years of full-time work in the field of dance or performing arts (production, employer/work group, performance venue, training period, performances). 

Assessment of eligibility

Your eligibility will be assessed on the basis of your application, certificates and other reports.

A decision will be made on your eligibility before sending out invitations to the entrance examination. You will be notified of the decision by email during week 9 or 10.

Applying for transfer from another university

Applicants who are refugees or in a refugee-like situation

Language requirements

The language of degree in the Master’s Degree Programme in Choreography is Finnish or English. The language of study is Finnish and/or English. In order to become accepted as a degree student, you must, in the application phase, demonstrate the language proficiency required by the studies in accordance with the language of instruction.

Study languages and the language of the degree in Theatre Academy

Tuition fee

Tuition fees at Uniarts Helsinki are applicable to Bachelor’s and Master’s students who study in English and who are not citizens of EU, EEA, or Switzerland. 

Read more about tuition fees and scholarships

Assessment criteria

The assessment criteria for the advance assignments and the entrance examinations:

  • skills and knowledge in artistic practices and approaches to choreography 
  • ability to develop choreographic ideas and process them into performance
  • curiosity and ability to study and explore theoretical discourses in relation to distinct choreographic and performance contexts and societal concerns 
  • readiness and ability to interact, contribute and communicate constructively in different study and work situations 
  • motivation for studies, openness for learning and commitment to full time studies 
  • maturity for studies in higher education 

Advance assignments

Advance assignments are not specified or explained in more detail. Advance assignments can be completed in Finnish, Swedish or English. Please mark your name on each assignment.

Assignment 1 – Writing Task: Description

– At first, write about your artistic background. Then tell us about your artistic ideas in relation to choreography and share the questions you would be especially interested in processing and exploring in your studies.  
– Tell us about your motivation to study on this particular degree programme.  

Length at most 2 pages (A4). Name the file: lastname_firstname_description 

Assignment 2 – Writing Task: Analysis

Describe and analyze what you consider important or interesting phenomena in the field of choreography and performance. Support and argue your description by referring to individual artists or collectives working in the field of choreography and performance. Use theoretical and/or other sources to support your description and analysis. 

Mark your sources correctly. For your assignment to be accepted, you will need to use sources and source references. Length at most 2 pages (A4). Name the file: lastname_firstname_analysis 

Assignment 3 – Documentation of artistic activities

1. Provide a video sample of your choreographic work. The sample should be a maximum of 10 minutes long. The sample may be an excerpt of an already existing work, or it may be shot for the purpose of the application. The sample does not have to be from a performance on stage but could have been made in a rehearsal studio or other environment, for example. 
The video sample can be uploaded to the Studyinfo (Name the file: lastname_firstname_documentation_1) or alternatively you can provide a link to the sample. 

2. In another video, speak about your making process and choreographic choices of this sample, duration max 5 min. Name the file: lastname_firstname_documentation_2 

3. Make a pdf file containing 1-3 samples of your artistic experience and / or activities. It may include links, images and text. Name the file: lastname_firstname_documentation_3

To successfully complete the documentation task, you must have clearly and comprehensibly marked your role in each sample (performer, choreographer, other).

Phase 2 Assignment

The applicants are invited to the entrance examination based on the evaluation of the advance assignments. The applicants who are to be invited to the entrance examination for phase 2 will be given assignments that require preparation. The invitation and the assignments will be given during week 11 by email. 12-15 applicants will be invited to the entrance exams that will be held remotely and according to an individually designated schedule. 

Student selections

A decision on the applicant’s eligibility will be made on week 9-10. Applicants found eligible/ ineligible will be informed of that decision via e-mail. Those who have passed the first phase based on their advance assignments will be sent invitations to phase 2 by e-mail during week 11 at the latest. Applicants cannot change the entrance examination times assigned to them. Applicants not considered eligible based on the advance assignments will also be notified via e-mail.

The selection process occurs in two phases.

Phase 1
Submitting an online application form, advance assignments and appendices in Studyinfo portal

Phase 2
Entrance examinations on…

The entrance exams are organized as remote online exams according to individually designated schedules. Applicants are not required to travel to Helsinki at any point of the selection process.   

Applicants can be eliminated during entrance examinations. Elimination during different stages is also possible. Additional tasks requiring preparation may be assigned during entrance examinations.

The group assignments will take place in English.The individual assignments can be carried out in Finnish, Swedish or English.

More information about entrance examinations and assessment

Individual arrangements in the entrance examination

Help and advice

Do you have a question about applying?

You can contact us via email or phone.

Phone: +358 50 349 6672

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