Uniarts Helsinki’s Code of conduct
With the help of the Code of Conduct, we make ensure that our work environment is safe, healthy and inspiring.

The Code of conduct concerns every member of the university community regardless of their position or role. Each member of the community is expected to be familiar with the Code of conduct and be committed to complying with its principles.
Basis for the Code of conduct
- I act in a way that is ethically sustainable and responsible.
- Everything I do is based on interaction that is community-oriented, constructive, inclusive and respectful of human dignity. By creating a positive, encouraging and open culture of interaction, I aim to make everyone feel that they are valuable members of the community.
- I do not harm myself or other people or condone the harming of anyone.
- I intervene if I observe unethical conduct.
- I am aware of the internal power structures within the university and of my own position of power.
- I promote equality and non-discrimination and play my own part in building a safe and healthy study and work environment.
- I promote sustainable development and the effort to find a solution to the sustainability crisis.
- I comply with all legislation, decrees, rules and regulations related to my work or studies and the university operations.
- I try to update my understanding of ethical issues regularly and examine my own actions and way of thinking in relation to them.
Pedagogical interaction
- I create a respectful and encouraging atmosphere for teaching, studying and learning.
- I am aware of the power structures related to pedagogical interaction and the risks that involve the misuse of such power. During the learning process, I support the inclusivity of the parties involved.
- I ensure that our pedagogical interaction is inclusive and free of discrimination.
- I support the wellbeing, equality and non-discrimination of the individuals participating in the university’s pedagogical interaction. I strengthen the sense that their actions are meaningful.
- I organise pedagogical interaction responsibly with consideration for the requirements of ecological, social and cultural sustainability. I also take the multi-faceted questions related to the participants’ consent into consideration.
- I am aware that pedagogical interaction may lead to experiences that have effects related to wellbeing that do not become apparent until later.
- I intervene if I observe unethical conduct in pedagogical interaction and contribute to an ethically sustainable and safe learning environment.
- I am aware that working as a teacher requires the internalising of the values and ethical principles related to the teaching profession.
- As a student, I am aware of my role as a responsible member of the university community.
- I comply with the principles for the responsible conduct of research. I am familiar with and comply with the RCR guidelines issued by the Finnish Advisory Board on Research Integrity. I employ responsible methods of data acquisition, research and evaluation in my research.
- I am aware that the responsible conduct of research concerns artistic research, too. I understand that the freedom of art does not constitute grounds for neglecting the responsible conduct of research.
- I am aware that working as a researcher requires the completion of research training. Learning about responsibility and openness is an integral part of developing a researcher’s expertise. Even as a bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral student, I am responsible for making sure my research activities are ethical.
- I am aware that reflection on ethical questions and the assessment of risks begins in the planning stage of research activities and lasts throughout the entire research process; it also involves research communications.
Artistic activities
- I am aware of my ethical responsibility and position of power as an artist and as a participant in artistic activities.
- I respect the safety, privacy, data protection rights and autonomy of individuals who participate in my artistic activities as well as anyone who serves as the object, material or audience of my artistic activities.
- As an artist, I use methods that are ethically sound and acknowledge the contributions and achievements of other people when participating in artistic activities. I respect authorship and copyrights.
- I promote freedom of speech, respect human rights and consider in advance the effects of my artistic activities on individuals, communities and society.
- I understand that artistic freedom is not a reason to neglect the ethical principles of artistic activity.
Community-oriented and societal interaction
- Through my activities, I promote an inclusive and equal community. In an equal community, all its members have the chance to influence matters.
- When participating in community decision-making, I promote openness, transparency and inclusivity.
- In my role as a member and representative of the university community, I act honestly and openly and defend justice, equality, non-discrimination and the freedom of the individual and the community.
- I communicate my activities truthfully and openly.
- I understand that artistic freedom is not a reason not to follow the ethical principles of community and societal interaction.
Ethical roles
Members of the Uniarts Helsinki community act in a variety of roles: as students, teachers, researchers, experts and supervisors. The same person may adopt multiple roles, which may then entail ethical expectations that are in conflict with each other or that otherwise give rise to tension. In these kinds of situations, the principle of avoiding causing harm outweighs all other ethical principles.
Becoming familiar with the Code of conduct
Each member of the Uniarts Helsinki community is expected to be familiar with the Code of conduct and to comply with its principles, which is why every community member is introduced to the code in their work. New employees are introduced to the code as part of their induction, as are visiting employees. As for existing employees, it is the supervisor’s duty to go through the Code of conduct in a way that makes everyone understand the purpose of the code’s ethical principles in their own work. Students must be introduced to the Code of conduct as part of their student orientation. The head of the unit providing teaching must ensure that students become familiar with the purpose of the Code of conduct in their activities in the university community.