Uniarts Helsinki research data policy

Read the research data policy of Uniarts Helsinki.

Uniarts Helsinki is an independent multidisciplinary art and science community that operates in the fields of visual arts, music, theatre and dance as well as other closely related fields. Research at the university focuses on the fields of art research1 in a diverse way. Uniarts Helsinki produces knowledge with public funds and promotes the open utilisation of that knowledge in research and society. The purpose of the Uniarts Helsinki research data policy is to increase the effectiveness of research and to guide and strengthen the openness of research in accordance with the strategy of Uniarts Helsinki. This document contains the framework of the Uniarts Helsinki research data policy. More detailed instructions and guidelines are available separately in the action programme.

The research data policy concerns the access to and storage of research material in both digital and non-digital forms. In addition to digital research data, research material typical of Uniarts Helsinki include artefacts, different types of drafts, extensive paper materials and artworks that cannot be converted into digital forms due to their nature. Research material or research data is often unique in art research. It can be created during the research process or it can be used to document the artistic research process itself. Research material may also include unfinished parts or extracts from completed work.

The research data policy and action programme have been approved by the Uniarts Helsinki Executive Group on 7 October 2020.

1 Art research has been expressed as a concept in the Uniarts Helsinki strategy for 2021–2030. It refers to the artistic research characteristic of Uniarts Helsinki as well as research in art and art education, while also including research that uses the approaches of so-called traditional scientific research.

1. Uniarts Helsinki follows the FAIR principles, especially regarding digital research data.

According to the FAIR principles, research data should be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Re-usable. For non-digital research data, these principles are used as applicable, in particular with regard to findability and accessibility.

The principles are upheld by maintaining the online library guides and by providing advice and training. The primary actor in this regard is the university library, with participation from the research services and, in regard to non-digital research data, the university archive.

2. When accessing and managing research data, Uniarts Helsinki adheres to the responsible conduct of research and ethics guidelines determined by the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK.

The university protects confidential information while ensuring information security and data protection in accordance with legislation, good scientific practice and the guidelines and recommendations issued by the university. This is ensured by offering guidance, instructions and forms, and training.

3. Uniarts Helsinki includes research data management in the studies of doctoral candidates and in the orientation of researchers and research

The orientation takes place during teaching, supervision and research and its carried by research centres, academies, their departments, doctoral programmes, doctoral schools and head researchers on research projects. Library offers training on the topic.

Trainings are carried out by the library and the research services.

5. Uniarts Helsinki will further develop research data infrastructure for researchers and research groups.

This includes tools and services that support the management, use, discovery and distribution of data. The data infrastructure will be built and developed in collaboration with national and international actors, taking into account the services and infrastructures they provide. This is co-ordinated by the library, research services and IT-services.

Procurement of equipment is handled by the IT-services and the researcher work units of the research services in order to keep tools up-to-date. Tools are procured in accordance with the tool procurement instructions valid at that time (link to Artsi).

System owners and the IT-services make sure that the systems used are up to date. Find the collaboration model between system owners and IT here (link to Artsi).

6. A data management plan is always prepared as part of research.

The plan is made using the DMPTuuli tool. The library offers help with DMPTuuli by giving feedback on the plans, giving user guidance and updating the DMPTuuli web guide.

7. The rights of ownership and use of research data must always be agreed upon before the launch of a study.

The agreements must take into account relevant legislation and the terms and conditions of agreements and funding organisations when processing, publishing or submitting data. Research services give advice on funding and legal services take care of contractual matters.

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8. Metadata (i.e. descriptions of data) is essential for both digital and non-digital data.

Pertinent metadata on the owner, legal restrictions and user licences ensure that the data can be understood both during collection and processing and later during the life cycle of the research data.

The library instructs the creation of metadata and it is supported by external glossary and otology services, such as Finto.

If necessary, access to research data may be restricted. Restrictions may include provisions on privacy, confidentiality, security or project agreements or intellectual property rights.

The research author and research project head are in charge of setting restrictions on research data. The interpretation of project agreements and intellectual property rights is the responsibility of legal services and the copyright lawyer of Uniarts and Aalto University.

Guides and further information

The Research Data Management guide has answers to most questions related to the research data policy and data management, and further information can be inquired via email from the university library’s researcher services at lib.research@uniarts.fi. Below are more guides related to the topic.

International and national guidelines related to research data policy

Guidelines on FAIR Data Management in Horizon 2020 (PDF)
FSD Data Management Guidelines
TENK Research Integrity
Open science and research (AVOTT): Open Data
UNIFI Open Science and Data Action Progamme (PDF)

Guidelines prepared by Uniarts Helsinki

Uniarts Helsinki: Open science and research
Research Data Management guide
Guidelines for research data management (Artsi)
Data protection in research (Artsi)
Archiving and storing of documents (Artsi)