Theoretical Research in Choreography study option
Read about the Theoretical Research option in Choreography, piloting for the cohort 2025-2027

The programme is piloting a new study option, Theoretical research in choreography, for the intake in 2025. Students of the theoretical research option will deepen their analytical understanding of choreographic premises, potentialities, and various discourses while working alongside the artist-practitioner students. The graduated students might work, for example, as dance dramaturgs, researchers, curators, journalists, or facilitators in art-based community projects or continue their studies in a third cycle in doctoral studies.
Theoretical research in choreography option students will follow the tuition according to their personal study plan (PSP) created at the beginning of the studies but will also work alongside the artist practitioners in joint courses. They will also integrate alternatives to artistic productions and workshops.
If a student has been admitted to the option for theoretical research in choreography their study path will differ as follows:
1) During the Approaches to Choreography and Artistic Practices instead of producing a self-performed solo, these students will write a research essay or have a live presentation of their research project.
2) The courses Orientation to Artistic Collaboration and Artistic Collaboration Project will be completed as an alternative project (see details in curriculum).
3) There is no assessed artistic component in the MA thesis, but the student will complete the thesis as an assessed written theoretical study or a media–based artistic research project (see details in curriculum).