Theatre Academy’s publications
Our publication series include research publications, reports, topical pamphlets, and support materials for teaching performing arts.

Sales and availability
Our publications are available on the Unigrafia online store. Some publications are also available online on the publication series’ websites or the institutional repository Taju. A discount of 20 % of printed book purchases is available to the University of the Arts Helsinki’s alumni, current students, and staff.
The discount can be used in the web shop by using the discount code ARTS20.
Publication series
Acta Scenica
The series includes doctoral theses from the University of the Arts Helsinki’s Theatre Academy (the Performing Arts Research Centre Tutke) and miscellaneous peer-reviewed research on dance and theatre. The series was granted the right to use the label for peer-reviewed scholarly publications from the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies in the autumn of 2019. The series is administered and published by the Performing Arts Research Centre Tutke.
Contact person: The research coordinator and professors at the Performing Arts Research Centre Tutke.
The Episodi series includes essays on performing arts written by the Theatre Academy’s students. The series is administered and published by the Master of Arts Programme in Live Art and Performance Studies (LAPS) and the Theatre Academy’s Publications Committee.
Contact person: Professor of the Master’s Programme in Live Art and Performance Studies
Read the sixth publication in the Episodi series on the Research Catalogue website
The Kinesis series is published by the degree programmes in dance, featuring topical articles on dance and associated research. The series is administered and published by the degree programmes in dance and the Theatre Academy’s Publication Committee.
Contact persons: Professors of the degree programmes in dance
The Kokos publication series includes information concerning organisational development at arts organisations and the cultivation of applied arts.
Contact person: Head of the Cerada research centre
The Nivel series publishes conference proceedings, textbooks, translations, and other topical material concerning artistic research. The series is partly peer-reviewed.
Contact person: Professor of the Performing Arts Research Centre Tutke
The publication series of the Theatre Academy
The versatile publication series on theatre and dance includes topical pamphlets, teaching materials, and translations. The series is administered and published by the Theatre Academy’s Publication Committee.
Contact person: Secretary of the Theatre Academy’s Publication Committee
Teatteri – uuden näytelmän sarja (Theatre – a series of new drama)
The Teatteri (Teatteri yliviivattu) [Theatre (Theatre scratched)] series includes plays written by the Theatre Academy’s students. The series is administered and published by the Degree Programme in Dramaturgy and Playwriting and the Theatre Academy’s Publication Committee.
Contact person: Professor of the Degree Programme in Dramaturgy and Playwriting