Sibelius Academy’s admissions results, spring 2024

You can also inquire about the results by e-mail at Admissions results are published on 5 April and 31 May 2024. Each programme has announced their publication day for admissions results in the admissions guide.

Applicants admitted as students and those placed on the waiting list receive an e-mail of the admissions results on the day when the admission decision is published.

Feedback on the entrance examinations

You have the opportunity to receive feedback on your entrance examination performance. Feedback is intended to guide you to further improve your performance and help you identify areas for development.

University admissions

Based on the applications and the results of the entrance examinations in the spring of 2024, the Dean of Sibelius Academy has decided that the following applicants are admitted as students to the Sibelius Academy of Uniarts Helsinki:

Arts Management, Society and Creative Entrepreneurship

Arts Management, Society and Creative Entrepreneurship 2-year programme (general selection group)

  • Anttila Matilda Angelica
  • Babić Filip
  • a person who does not want their name shown on the website
  • a person who does not want their name shown on the website
  • Hyle Oula Rurik Benjamin
  • Kalkowski Lisa Marleen
  • a person who does not want their name shown on the website
  • a person who does not want their name shown on the website
  • a person who does not want their name shown on the website
  • Lim Yesol
  • Masanti Ines Maria Matilda
  • Nieminen Anna-Riitta Marjaana
  • Rabian Amanda Karin

Waiting list:

  1. Gullichsen Frida Essie Johanna
  2. Kiikeri Walle Elias
  3. Huovinen Nea Maria Katarina
  4. Bacchus Clarence Atiba Carver
  5. Jokilehto Lukas Elias – conditional
  6. Ornati Fatimah Ardennes – conditional
  7. Jäävuori Minttu-Maria Vilina

Arts Management, Society and Creative Entrepreneurship 2-year programme (Open University selection group)

  • Boullenger Leia Lenita Andrea
  • Kokkonen Hanna Katriina

Church Music

Church Music (Helsinki) 5.5-year programme

  • Gryspeert Axel conditional acceptance
  • Han Zhangheyi conditional acceptance
  • Huang Heming conditional acceptance
  • Jääskeläinen Brayan Daniel Uolevi conditional acceptance
  • Kevin Ellen Reetta Sofia
  • Parviainen Eeva Annika – conditional acceptance
  • Pelkonen Lotta Emilia
  • Pietarinen Eva-Christina Päivikki
  • Susitaival Eino Imran
  • Viitala Moona Maria

Waiting list:    

  1. Lehto Elina Margit

Church Music (Kuopio) 5.5-year programme

  • Hintikka Juhani Juhonpoika
  • Juola Sofie Anniina conditional acceptance
  • Kangas Saara Iiris Elina
  • Karppanen Akseli Matti Johannes
  • Klaavo Silja Ester Tuulia
  • Kraft Pihla Eerika
  • Pelkonen Aksel Oliver
  • Rontti Elena Raakel
  • Vänttinen Aarre Noa Willehard conditional acceptance

Church Music (Helsinki) 2.5-year programme

  • Soronen Tiina Annukka

Church Music (Kuopio) 2.5-year programme

  • Anttikoski Helga Maria

Classical Music Performance / instrument

Accordion 5.5-year programme

  • a person who does not want their name shown on the website
  • Tourunen Jarno Onni Iriston
  • a person who does not want their name shown on the website
  • Wirén Vilma Eevi Ilona

Accordion 2.5-year programme

  • Wang Zimu – conditional acceptance

Brass instruments (French horn, trumpet, trombone, baritone horn, tuba) 5.5-year programme

  • Carlqvist Hanna Cecilia Margareta (trombone) – conditional acceptance
  • Fu Shunyang (trombone) conditional acceptance
  • Nie Yongjie (trumpet)
  • Peltonen Vilma Matilda (French horn) conditional acceptance
  • Salonen Ranja Theresia (trumpet) conditional acceptance
  • Xiang Bingcheng (tuba)

Waiting list:

  1. Guia Tena Arnau (French horn)

Brass instruments (French horn, trumpet, trombone, baritone horn, tuba) 2.5-year programme

  • Archibald Jack (tuba) conditional acceptance
  • Blair Calum (trumpet)
  • Gouveia Freitas Rodrigo Miguel (French horn) conditional acceptance
  • Guahnich Joel (trumpet) conditional acceptance

Waiting list:

  1. Skalandis Gediminas (trumpet) – conditional
  2. Ronen Liri (French horn)
  3. Ren Peijin (trumpet)
  4. Knowles Alana (French horn) – conditional
  5. Camderman David Philip (French horn) – conditional

Cello 5.5-year programme

  • Jakobsdóttir Ágústa Bergrós
  • Lavrenchuk Sviatoslav
  • Pöntinen Liu Ying Päivikki                   
  • Traksmann Aleksander – conditional acceptance

Waiting list:                                                                     

  1. Lindfors Helmi Lyydia
  2. Kautto Eemil Oskar
  3. a person who does not want their name shown on the website

Cello 2.5-year programme

  • Barrow Nadia               
  • Vicente Antolín Nicolás – conditional acceptance

Waiting list:                                                                     

  1. García Menéndez Fermín
  2. D’Amico Anastasia

Double bass 5.5-year programme

  • Genevet Martti
  • Mustonen Venla Selja Anniina

Waiting list:

  1. Silanterä Veli-Matti Antero

Double bass 2.5-year programme

No new students

Early Music 5.5-year programme (general selection group)

  • Nurminen Ester

Early Music 5.5-year programme (Open University selection group)

No new students

Early Music 2.5-year programme (general selection group)

  • Fusté Duch Martí
  • Kortelainen Kaisa Tyyne Katariina

Early Music 2.5-year programme (Open University selection group)

  • Pettersson-Fernholm Sofia Nike Johanna

Waiting list (2.5-year education, joint waiting list for both selection groups):

  1. Tolppi Valtteri Väinö – conditional

Fortepiano 2.5-year programme

No new students

Guitar 5.5-year programme

  • Arul Jothi Arul Medini – conditional acceptance
  • Mara Veera Teresa Visakha
  • Tunc Temmuz Tunca                                                                           

Waiting list:                                                                     

  1. Brotherus Leo Kaarlo Kalevi
  2. Orava Tapio Johannes

Guitar 2.5-year programme

  • Xie Yuchi

Harp 5.5-year programme

  • Valjakka Saara Sylvia

Harp 2.5-year programme

No new students

Kantele 5.5-year programme

No new students

Kantele 2.5-year programme

No new students

Opera Coaching 2.5-year programme

No new students

Organ 5.5-year programme

  • Niemi-Korpi Elias Ilmari
  • Susitaival Eino Imran

Organ 2.5-year programme

  • Jormanainen Alex Wilhelm

Percussion 5.5-year programme

  • Koskiluoma Mitja Onni Ilmari – conditional acceptance
  • Rasimus Juho Uolevi

Percussion 2.5-year programme

No new students

Piano 5.5-year programme

  • Florescu Paul conditional acceptance
  • Heikkilä Lotta Amalia
  • Heina Mattias conditional acceptance
  • Liiman Lotta Ilona
  • Niskakangas Kaika Sikuri Gabriela
  • Tolokolnikova Olena
  • Väyrynen Elviira Lyydia
  • Xie Elias conditional acceptance
  • Ylitalo Emma Sofia


  1. Rybakov Aleksei
  2. Huang Heming – conditional

Piano 2.5-year programme

  • Nguyen Thi Bang Linh
  • Pohjoisaho Matti Antero

Viola 5.5-year programme

  • Forssell Stella Natalia
  • Kaijansinkko Siiri Maria  
  • Kunnola Martta Aliina

Waiting list:

  1. Danilovtsev Semen – conditional

Viola 2.5-year programme

  • Björnsdóttir Hafrún Birna – conditional acceptance
  • Haraszti Violetta Éva
  • Swainston Harrison

Waiting list:

  1. Nguen Timofey
  2. Papierz Barbara Maria

Violin 5.5-year programme

  • Aaltola Reeta Rebekka
  • Aho Emma-Riina Tuulikki
  • a person who does not want their name shown on the website
  • Antikainen Vivian Serafiina Maria          
  • Lundberg Arun Miska Antonio
  • Murray Skyla Jitske
  • Piri Fanni Vilhelmiina
  • Suni Venla Sofia

Waiting list:

  1. Aabloo Iris Eva

Violin 2.5-year programme

  • Chiodo Raffaello Cristoforo Gianpaolo
  • Mauritz Alexis Thomas
  • Rouzeau Margaux
  • a person who does not want their name shown on the website

Waiting list:

  1. Gonzalez Pavlova Alexander – conditional
  2. Stoger-Demayo Lena-Marie Alicia – conditional
  3. Karuga Pauline-Ricarda – conditional

Woodwind instruments (flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, saxophone) 5.5-year programme


  • Azzola Carolina Ida Aino conditional acceptance
  • Ceriņa Marta conditional acceptance

Waiting list:

  1. Ljunglöf Lo Elis Immanuel

Oboe & bassoon

  • Lee Jaeyeon (oboe) conditional acceptance
  • Mauer Patrick (bassoon)
  • Nevalainen Joel Eemeli (oboe)

Waiting list:

  1. Ratilainen Silja Katriina (oboe)


  • a person who does not want their name shown on the website


  • Costa De Sousa Guilherme conditional acceptance

Waiting list:

  1. Neumann Joonas
  2. Regis Simon

Woodwind instruments (flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, saxophone) 2.5-year programme


No new students

Oboe & bassoon

  • Rakhmatullina Soniya (oboe) conditional acceptance

Waiting list:

  1. Nos Wilkins Pere (oboe) conditional


  • a person who does not want their name shown on the website
  • a person who does not want their name shown on the website
  • Scalabrini Dario

Waiting list:

  1. Fox Clare Elizabeth
  2. Yılmaz İlayda – conditional


  • Orón Bolós Vicent

Waiting list:

  1. Galvez Adria Borja – conditional

Classical Music Performance / voice

Vocal Arts 5.5-year programme

  • Elmarsdóttir Alvilda Eyvör conditional acceptance
  • Karsten Emma Charlotta Elisabet             
  • Pylkkönen Joonatan Sakarinpoika conditional acceptance
  • Sauranen Inga Anna Kristiina
  • Sippel Axel Waldemar

Vocal Arts 2.5-year programme

  • Kumar Manca
  • Lind Essi Inari
  • Nummela Iida Laura Matilda
  • Woller Kristianna Marie Kyllikki conditional acceptance

Composition and Music Theory

Composition 5.5-year programme

  • Abolghasemi Seyed Arman
  • Peroni Simone
  • Siltala Veeti Viljami

Waiting list:

  1. Nguyen To Hoan Phuc
  2. Schrire Yannai – conditional
  3. Chan Sue Lynn – conditional

Composition 2.5-year programme

  • Ahovaara Arttu Eemil – conditional acceptance
  • Cullen Phillip Bernard
  • Piitulainen Tatu Arttu Mikael

Music Theory 5.5-year programme

  • Actiņa Līva Ance conditional acceptance
  • Kelloniemi Aura Kanerva Merivuokko

Music Theory 2.5-year programme

  • Cullen Phillip Bernard


Choral Conducting 5.5-year programme

  • Valgre Urmeli conditional acceptance

Choral Conducting 2.5-year programme

  • a person who does not want their name shown on the website

Orchestral Conducting 5.5-year programme

No new students

Orchestral Conducting 2.5-year programme

  • Lahtinen Vuokko Linnea

Waiting list:

  1. Mitrevics Artūrs Oskars

Wind Orchestra Conducting 5.5-year programme

  • Salminen Jan Johannes

Wind Orchestra Conducting 2.5-year programme

  • Jonckheere Laurens
  • Ruohola Robert Saul Sebastian

Folk Music

Folk Music 5.5-year programme

  • Hellsten Riina Maria
  • Hyttinen Vivi Anne Marie
  • a person who does not want their name shown on the website
  • Keihäs Antti-Juhani
  • Ojaluoma Helmi Maria

Folk Music 2.5-year programme (artistic orientation)

  • a person who does not want their name shown on the website

Folk Music 2.5-year programme (pedagogical orientation)

No new students

Folk Music 2.5-year programme (research orientation)

No new students

Global Music

Global Music 5.5-year programme

  • Aarnio Teea Kyllikki
  • Eshkevari Khashayar
  • Jimeno Yoandy Alina
  • Makena Lucas David
  • Tikka Tatu Samuel

Waiting list:

  1. a person who does not want their name shown on the website

Global Music 2.5-year programme

  • Castrillón Arcila Daniel Sebastián
  • Fatema Mirza Bushra
  • Salazar Boza Luis Fernando
  • Shafie Maher

Waiting list:

  1. Khodos Alisa
  2. Andre da Silva Antonio Wendel

Jazz and NOMAZZ

Jazz (instrument or voice) 5.5-year programme

  • Henriksson Joonatan Ilari Samuel
  • Kaipainen Sonja Maaria
  • Kinnunen Juho Ilari
  • Kurkela Eemeli Juho Wilhelmi
  • Stanek Olavi Jaroslaw
  • Tikkinen Severi Joonatan            

Waiting list:

  1. Dobosiewicz Emil Stefan Viljami
  2. Blomstedt Pauli Aron Robert

Jazz (composition) 5.5-year programme

  • Häkkinen Aarni Siivert Juhana

Jazz (instrument or voice) 2.5-year programme

No new students

Jazz (composition) 2.5-year programme

No new students

Nordic Master in Jazz (NOMAZZ) 2.5-year programme

No new students

Music Education

Music Education 5.5-year programme in Finnish

  • Aho Venla Onerva
  • Albanese Milena Sara Cristina
  • a person who does not want their name shown on the website
  • Dobosiewicz Emil Stefan Viljami
  • Ernst Alli Mya Paulina
  • Jämsä Liina Josefiina
  • Kantola-Miller Katri Maria Sofia
  • Koivumäki Oona Anna Sofia
  • Koskivirta Juho Pekka Einari
  • Lehikoinen Ella Leena
  • Lipasti Iiris Aurora
  • Martín Andrea Elisa
  • McLoud Della Karoliina
  • Nykänen Austra Helmi Maria
  • Ojaluoma Helmi Maria
  • Paananen Lauri Antti Johannes
  • Piispa Inka-Liisa Kristiina
  • Puurtinen Minttu Ilona
  • Rissanen Minni-Maria
  • Rämö Sanni Amanda
  • Sainio Kaisa Kaarina
  • Selonen Marie Kristiina
  • Silander Silja Mona Serafia
  • Sopanen Annu Amalia
  • Väyrynen Elviira Lyydia
  • Wallgren Iris Vega Linnea

Waiting list:

  1. Kaasalainen Veera Iida Eveliina
  2. Björnholm Onni Armas
  3. Milenkov Aleksander
  4. Karttunen Irinja Silja Matilda

Music Education 2.5-year programme in Finnish

  • Arha Lila Maria Erika
  • a person who does not want their name shown on the website
  • Reilin Sanni Irina

Waiting list:

  1. Kejonen Mari-Ella Hannele – conditional

Music Education 5.5-year programme in Swedish

No new students

Music Education 2.5-year programme in Swedish

No new students

Change of main subject

Based on the applications and entrance examinations in the spring of 2024, the Dean of the Sibelius Academy has decided to accept the following changes in main subject or instrument:

Classical Music Performance / instrument

Violin 2.5-year programme

  • Halme Janni Josefiina
    Former main subject Music Education


Orchestral Conducting 2.5-year programme

  • Vesterinen Kyösti August – conditional acceptance
    Former main subject Wind Orchestra Conducting


Jazz (instrument or voice) 5.5-year programme

  • Mattsson Oona Elsa Maria
    Former main subject Music Education

Music Education

Music Education 5.5-year programme in Finnish

  • Lasonen Leevi Emil
    Former main subject Church Music

Information on conditional acceptance

According to Sibelius Academy’s admissions requirements 2024, all applicants applying for a bachelor’s and master’s degree or only a master’s degree at Sibelius Academy are required to have an educational background and language skills relevant to the degree programme in question.

A conditionally accepted applicant who fails to produce the required documents before the deadline will lose their conditional study place in the Sibelius Academy.

Background education

If you complete one of the degrees mentioned below only after the application period ends, the decision on your admittance is conditional. In this case, you must submit a copy of your degree certificate to the Sibelius Academy after you graduate, but no later than 11 July 2024 at 3pm (Finnish time). Sibelius Academy may, at its discretion, also accept a temporary certificate issued by the educational institution if it indicates that the applicant has completed all studies required for the degree and will receive the degree certificate later.

To be eligible to study for a combined Bachelor and Master of Music degree (3 + 2.5 years) at the Sibelius Academy you need to have completed at least one of the following:

  • the Finnish Matriculation Examination
  • an International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma
  • a European Baccalaureate (EB) diploma at a European School
  • a Reifeprüfung or Deutsches Internationales Abitur (RP / DIA) diploma
  • a Finnish vocational upper secondary qualification, a further vocational qualification, or a specialist vocational qualification defined under the Act on Vocational Education and Training
  • a foreign degree or qualification that makes you eligible for corresponding higher education in the awarding country
  • a Cambridge Advanced International Certificate (AICE)
  • a degree at a Finnish higher education institution or a degree abroad corresponding to at least a bachelor’s degree.
  • In addition, a person who has been granted the right to study in a university in Finland is eligible to apply.

To be eligible to study for a Master of Music degree (2.5 years) at the Sibelius Academy you need to have completed at least one of the following:

  • a lower university degree in music (Bachelor)
  • a university of applied sciences degree in music
  • a foreign degree or qualification in music that provides eligibility for corresponding higher education studies in the awarding country
  • a lower university degree in another field and, additionally, higher education studies in music.

To be eligible to study for a Master of Arts degree (2 years) at the Sibelius Academy you need to have completed at least one of the following:

  • an applicable lower university degree
  • an applicable university of applied sciences degree
  • an applicable foreign degree that provides eligibility for corresponding higher education studies in the awarding country.

Any exceptions to the previous qualifications requirement given above will be detailed in the admissions criteria for each degree programme.

Language skills

Studies at the Sibelius Academy require sufficient proficiency in Finnish, Swedish, or English. You must demonstrate your language skills with a successfully completed language proficiency test, previous qualifications or other prior studies. If the degree programme is organised in multiple languages, you are only required to demonstrate your language proficiency in the language with which you applied to study.

If you demonstrate your language skills with studies that you complete after the application period, your admittance will be conditional with respect to language skills. In this case, you must submit the required certificate demonstrating your proficiency to the Sibelius Academy as soon as possible, but no later than 11 July 2024 at 3pm (Finnish time).

Change of main subject: conditionality

If the bachelor’s degree of a current student applying for a change of the right to study at Uniarts Helsinki is unfinished, and the change of the right to study is accepted conditionally, the fixed term for completing the degree in question is on the last day before the new right to study (31 July 2024), contrary to the selection criteria for bachelor’s and master’s education.

How to confirm your study place

You need to accept the study place no later than 11 July 2024 at 3pm (Finnish time) or you will lose your place (Universities Act 38 § / Polytechnics Act 28 c).

Accepting a study place is a binding choice, and you cannot cancel or change your choice later. When you accept a study place bindingly, all the other study programmes you have applied to will automatically be cancelled. You may accept only one study place leading to a higher education degree in Finland that begins in the same academic term (1 August – 31 December).

The study place is accepted electronically in the Studyinfo portal. If you have been accepted to a study programme, you will receive an e-mail with a confirmation link (sender Click the given link and confirm your study place. If you cannot accept your study place electronically, please use the paper form sent to you together with your acceptance letter and deliver it by e-mail to

Rectification procedure

If you are dissatisfied with the admissions decision, you can request for rectification of the Dean’s admission decision from Uniarts Helsinki under the Universities Act (558/2009), section 82.

If you believe that the Sibelius Academy has acted contrary to its admission criteria, you can request for rectification to the student admission decision from the Sibelius Academy in writing within 14 days of the publication of the admission results.

The rectification procedure is not intended as a means for receiving feedback, asking for further information about the admission, or requesting unjustified re-evaluation.

Junior Academy admissions results 2024