Sibelius Academy’s admissions results, spring 2022
You can also inquire about the results by e-mail at Admissions results are published on 8 April and 3 June 2022. Each programme has announced their publication day for admissions results in the admissions guide.

Feedback on the entrance examinations
You have the opportunity to receive feedback on your entrance examination performance. Feedback is intended to guide you to further improve your performance and help you identify areas for development.
University admissions
Based on the applications and the results of the entrance examinations 2022, the Dean of Sibelius Academy has decided that the following applicants are admitted as students to the Sibelius Academy of Uniarts Helsinki:
Arts Management, Society and Creative Entrepreneurship
Arts Management, Society and Creative Entrepreneurship 2-year programme (general selection group)
Helenius Anders Tom Axel
Jääskeläinen Eero Elmeri
Koskinen Kara Erika
Milutinovic Lora
Mustonen Laura Annika
Saarelainen Anna Julia
a person who does not want their name shown on the website
Yu Haiyun
On the waiting list:
- Tucker Arlene
- Boullenger Lenita Andrea
- Hildén Henrika Anna
- Tyagi Varun
Arts Management, Society and Creative Entrepreneurship 2-year programme (open university selection group)
Heinilä Jemi Joonatan
a person who does not want their name shown on the website
On the waiting list:
Lahtinen Jenny Maria Josefina
Church Music
Church Music (Helsinki) 5.5-year programme in Finnish
Hirvonen Lauri Tapani
Lasonen Leevi Emil
a person who does not want their name published on the website
Parviainen Pihla Helena
Salminen Mikael Johannes
Store Ida-Emilia
Tulokas Harriet Aili Ethel
Urpanen Johanna Pauliina
Wirtanen Stiina Amanda
On the waiting list:
- Collan Aurora Suvi Margareta
- Seppänen Anton Ville Valtteri
Church Music (Kuopio) 5.5-year programme in Finnish
Besedin Ivan
Hannula Väinö Aleksanteri
Jaakkola Ellen Amalia
Klaavo Eero Ilmari
Lyytikäinen Venla Iiris Katariina
Pulkkanen Karoliina Matilda
Ranua Veera Lyydia
Säkkinen Ella Matleena
Turja Ella-Mari Elisabet
Tyni Matilda Fiia Severiina – conditional acceptance
Church Music (Kuopio) 5.5-year programme in English
Reutina Olga
Church Music (Helsinki) 2.5-year programme in Finnish
Hosionaho Maarit Laura Eveliina – conditional acceptance
Tamminen Julia
Classical Music Performance, instrument
Accordion 5.5-year programme
Pelkonen Anni Kaarina
Ullgren Linda Maria Hannuntytär
Accordion 2.5-year programme
Lorenzen Troels Strange
Brass instrument (French horn, trumpet, trombone, baritone horn, tuba) 5.5-year programme
Hussi Natalie Leila Alexandra (trombone)
Laitinen Jere-Pekka Petteri (trumpet)
Matthews Chloe Rose (French horn)
Oksman Anniina Aliina (baritone horn)
a person who does not want their name shown on the website
Sosi Kairi (French horn)
Vihervuori Verner Erik (trumpet)
On the waiting list:
Rekstad Børge (French horn) – conditional
Brass instrument (French horn, trumpet, trombone, baritone horn, tuba) 2.5-year programme
Ward Ackland Isabella (French horn) – conditional acceptance
On the waiting list:
Sung Jaewook (French horn)
Cello 5.5-year programme
Koivukangas Oona Josefina
Piri Iiris Aleksandra
Suninen Kaisa Emilia
On the waiting list:
- Kärkkäinen Jere Konsta Valtteri
- Wu Yutong – conditional
Cello 2.5-year programme
Ančs Tomass – conditional acceptance
a person who does not want their name shown on the website
Double bass 5.5-year programme
Akkoyunlu Gokce – conditional acceptance
Lassila Saara Matilda
Double bass 2.5-year programme
Ericsson Anton
Saarinen Jasmiina Saana Sarita
On the waiting list:
a person who does not want their name shown on the website
Early Music 5.5-year programme
Jokinen Roope Johannes (baroque violin)
Koivukoski Kerttu Odette (recorder)
Early Music 2.5-year programme
Holm Helena Marianna (recorder)
Manninen Kirsti Sofia (harpsichord)
On the waiting list:
Karjalainen Noora Kristiina (traverso)
Fortepiano 2.5-year programme
Szilasi Dávid Boldizsár
Guitar 5.5-year programme
Ampuja Samu Sebastian
Harju Sampo Topias
Hytti Henri Anton
Guitar 2.5-year programme
no new students
Harp 5.5-year programme
Rull Lisanne – conditional acceptance
a person who does not want their name shown on the website
Harp 2.5-year programme
no new students
Kantele 5.5-year programme
Wunsch Nea Marianna
Kantele 2.5-year programme
no new students
Opera Coaching 2.5-year programme
Kono Saki
Organ 5.5-year programme
Huopaniemi Sini Aurora
Organ 2.5-year programme
no new students
Percussion 5.5-year programme
de la Cruz Teo Matias
Vehkavaara Samuli Ilmari
On the waiting list:
Rasimus Juho Uolevi
Percussion 2.5-year programme
Karhinen Atte Lauri Benjamin – conditional acceptance
Piano 5.5-year programme
Alavillamo Ahti Jaakko Nestori
Bartashevich Kiryl – conditional acceptance
Hyvönen Viljo August
Liiv Tähe-Lee – conditional acceptance
Loponen Mikael Topias
Pilch Wilhelm Mateusz
Savijärvi Perttu Tuomas Ilmari
Tomescu Cristina – conditional acceptance
Zhao Tong
Piano 2.5-year programme
Härkönen Tiina Mari Armiida – conditional acceptance
Oh Sadaeja
Piano Chamber Music and Lied 2.5-year programme
Hannila Fanni Sofia – conditional acceptance
On the waiting list:
Dzharatova Anna
Viola 5.5-year programme
Eerik Grettel – conditional acceptance
a person who does not want their name shown on the website
Odé Ingrid Aleida
Pelnēna Katrīna Anna
Semper Hanna Maria
Viola 2.5-year programme
Schoonakker Christina
Violin 5.5-year programme
Dove Kira Lynne
Goesch Ruben Patrik Kristian
Kemppinen Viljami Olavi Antero
a person who does not want their name shown on the website
Saavalainen Venla Aleksandra
Sultanova Elika
Svambaris Jokubas
Vinkel Sofia – conditional acceptance
Vladimirov Petar – conditional acceptance
Yamaguchi Aino
On the waiting list:
Lodders Lauri Martin Sakari
Violin 2.5-year programme
Mauritz Alexis Thomas – conditional acceptance
Morgenstern Simon Kornél – conditional acceptance
da Silva Santos Ana Rita
Woodwind instrument (flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, saxophone) 5.5-year programme
Ceprova Elina (flute)
Kliushina Anna (oboe)
Lambert Szilvia (clarinet) – conditional acceptance
Lankinen Sonja Eerika (clarinet)
a person who does not want their name shown on the website
Rull Susanne (flute) – conditional acceptance
Scott Cliodhna Hope (flute)
Ünal Hüma Beyza (bassoon) – conditional acceptance
Yiu Erdocia Carlos Kai Shing (oboe) – conditional acceptance
On the waiting list:
- Pryganov Nikolai (clarinet) – conditional
- Varanauskaite Ugne (clarinet)
Woodwind instrument (flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, saxophone) 2.5-year programme
Anthopoulos Andreas (bassoon) – conditional acceptance
Campinho Fernandes Diogo (saxophone)
Flores i Mula Miquel (saxophone) – conditional acceptance
Martín Mora Ángel (clarinet) – conditional acceptance
a person who does not want their name shown on the website
On the waiting list:
- a person who does not want their name shown on the website
- Aragon Espiñeira Sara (oboe) – conditional
- Mayorga Rodrigo Alba (clarinet)
- Meden Lan (saxophone) – conditional
- a person who does not want their name shown on the website
- Moruzzi Joseph (saxophone) – conditional
Classical Music Performance, voice
Vocal Arts 5.5-year programme
Burggraaff Maja Isabella Caitlin
Kivivuori Sereno Gabriel
Korpela Marko Juhani
Niemelä Tanja Kristiina
Välimäki Leni Kaarina
On the waiting list:
Segerstam Iirisilona Milena May
Vocal Arts 2.5-year programme
Ahola Hannele Johanna
Järvensivu Tuiki Anna Isabella
Saari Leila Raakel Helena
Choral Conducting 5.5-year programme
Thelin Luc Paul
Choral Conducting 2.5-year programme
Tõnissaar Leiu
Orchestral Conducting 5.5-year programme
Loponen Mikael Topias
Orchestral Conducting 2.5-year programme
a person who does not want their name shown on the website
Wind Orchestra Conducting 5.5-year programme
no new students
Wind Orchestra Conducting 2.5-year programme
Takanen Soila Susanna
Composition and Music Theory
Composition 5.5-year programme
Marjakangas Lauri Joonas
Wang Shenran
Composition 2.5-year programme
Antonsen Preben
Obata Yuto
Števuliak Ján – conditional acceptance
On the waiting list:
- Nordqvist Eliot
- Özaslan Ayşe Pınar – conditional
Music Theory 5.5-year programme
Lehmus Juho-Akseli Laurinpoika
Rajamäki Joni Petteri
Wang Shenran
On the waiting list:
- Meulenbeld Tim Maarten
- Korhonen Eeva Julia Margareta
- Goller Anja Desiree
Music Theory 2.5-year programme
Vikki Elisa Karoliina
Cultural Study of Music
Cultural Study of Music 3-year programme
Albrecht Farida Alda-Marie
Asikainen Sampo-Elias
Hauhia Veera Emilia
Jukarainen Saana Elisabet
Kalliokoski Timo Osmo Juhani
Kaasalainen Emmi Irene
Koistinen Siiri Sofia
Lehtonen Nelly Matilda
Männistö Helmi Linnea
Nieminen Iiris Tuulikki Fredriikka
Nokia Niina Kristiina
Salmela Anna-Greta
Saraniva Perttu Ilmari
a person who does not want their name shown on the website
Vuorela Ukko Eemeli
Folk Music
Folk Music 5.5-year programme
Harju Ella Tuulia
Leminen Onni Henrik
Pätsi Erja Tuulia
Salo Joni Kristian
Wiander Petteri Joonatan
Folk Music 2.5-year programme
Kärkkäinen Sirkka-Liisa
Lehto Laura
Yliperttula Oona Amanda
On the waiting list:
Pulkkinen Saana Marianne – conditional
Global Music
Global Music 5.5-year programme
Alattrash Daniel
Andersen Genevieve
Brinkmann Ayla
Lazar Ana
Karkar Sami
Snellman Markus Evert
Tuomainen Juho Aaro Aapeli
On the waiting list:
Kuivalainen Sandhja-Tamira
Global Music 2.5-year programme
Alsadi Richard
Castaneda Lozano Nicolas
a person who does not want their name shown on the website
On the waiting list:
- González Palma Osvaldo Antonio
- a person who does not want their name shown on the website
- Boughton Devina Palmrose Resnick
- Reefman Mariette Katrina Andette
- Groves Rachel Hannah
Jazz and NOMAZZ
Jazz (instrument or vocal studies) 5.5-year programme
Dunkel Eero Ilpo
Hietala Veeti Eemeli Akinpoika
Hovilainen Jussi Jalmari
Pohjola Pessi Joonatan
Jazz (instrument or vocal studies) 2.5-year programme
no new students
Jazz (composition) 2.5-year programme
no new students
Nordic Master in Jazz (NOMAZZ) 2.5-year programme
no new students
Music Education
Music Education 5.5-year programme in Finnish
Hakkarainen Melis Sofia
Halkosalmi Ville Matias
Heinonen Emma Henriikka
Hietala Frank Samuel
Hänninen Veera Laina Annastiina
Kivelä Anniina Ida Anneli
Kujala Kamilla Vilhelmiina
a person who does not want their name shown on the website
Laine Pyry Pietari
Makaroff Andrei Armas Umberto
Mannerla Miia Maininki
Mattsson Oona Elsa Maria
Mellanen Emil Artturi
Miettunen Wiljami Sakari
Niemelä Eino Juhani
Niemelä Meimei Sani Fule
Nikkanen Katja Johanna
Pulkkinen Veera Annukka
a person who does not want their name shown on the website
Riihimäki Viljami Ensio
Saarinen Taina-Birgitta
Salervo Emmi Mari Johanna
Soikkeli Elisa Anna Hanneli
Uusitalo Maissi Aliisa
Vesterinen Emmi Vilhelmiina
On the waiting list:
- Vaara Alisa Sofia Johanna
- Lasonen Leevi Emil
- Rohkimainen Timo Tiro Jaakko
- Rissanen Nikolas Kasper
- Urpanen Johanna Pauliina
Music Education 5.5-year programme in Swedish
Laurén Ronja Indigo
Music Education 2.5-year programme in Finnish
Krell Liina Maaria Minerva
Kyyrö Elina Lahja Maria
a person who does not want their name shown on the website
Martikainen Karl Julius
On the waiting list:
- Miettinen Sirkku Maria
- Nuutinen Elli Iiris Ilona
Music Education 2.5-year programme in Swedish
no new students
Change of main subject
Based on the applications and entrance examinations in the spring of 2022, the Dean of the Sibelius Academy has accepted the following changes in main subject or instrument:
Classical Music Performance, instrument
Cello 5.5-year programme
Salervo Eero-Pekka
Former main subject Classical Music Performance / Early Music (viola da gamba)
Organ 2.5-year programme
Lipponen Leevi Mikael – conditional acceptance
Former main subject Church Music
Composition and Music Theory
Composition 2.5-year programme
Nuoranne Otto Juhani – conditional acceptance
Former main subject Music Theory
Music Theory 5.5-year programme
Heino Elise Maria Katariina
Former main subject Music Education
Orchestral Conducting 2.5-year programme
a person who does not want their name shown on the website
Information on conditional acceptance
According to Sibelius Academy’s admissions requirements 2022, all applicants applying for a bachelor’s and master’s degree or only a bachelor’s or master’s degree at Sibelius Academy are required to have an educational background and language skills relevant to the degree programme in question.
If you complete one of the degrees mentioned below only after the application period ends, the decision on your admittance is conditional. In this case, you must submit a copy of your degree certificate to the Sibelius Academy after you graduate, but no later than 15 July 2022 at 3pm (Finnish time). Sibelius Academy may, at its discretion, also accept a temporary certificate issued by the educational institution if it indicates that the applicant has completed all studies required for the degree and will receive the degree certificate later.
If you demonstrate your language skills with studies that you complete after the application period, your admittance will be conditional with respect to language skills. Applicants demonstrating their language proficiency based on their studies have the opportunity to submit the required certificate demonstrating their proficiency no later than 15 July 2022 at 3pm (Finnish time). In this case, you must submit an acceptable certificate of your language skills to the Sibelius Academy as soon as possible, but at latest by the above mentioned deadline.
A conditionally accepted applicant who fails to produce the required documents before the deadline will lose their conditional study place in the Sibelius Academy.
To be eligible to study for a combined Bachelor and Master of Music degree (3 + 2.5 years) at the Sibelius Academy you need to have completed at least one of the following:
- The Finnish Matriculation Examination
- An International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma
- A European Baccalaureate (EB) diploma at a European School
- A Reifeprüfung or Deutsches Internationales Abitur (RP / DIA) diploma
- A vocational upper secondary qualification, a further vocational qualification, or a specialist vocational qualification defined under the Act on Vocational Education and Training
- A foreign degree or qualification that makes you eligible for corresponding higher education in the awarding country
- A Cambridge Advanced International Certificate (AICE)
- A degree at a Finnish higher education institution or a degree abroad corresponding to at least a bachelor’s degree.
- In addition, a person who has been granted the right to study in a university in Finland is eligible to apply.
To be eligible to study for a Master of Music degree (2.5 years) at the Sibelius Academy you need to have completed at least one of the following:
- A lower university degree in music (Bachelor)
- A university of applied sciences degree in music
- A foreign degree or qualification in music that makes you eligible for corresponding higher education in the awarding country
- At least a lower university or university of applied sciences degree in another field and, additionally, university-level music studies, which serve as proof of sufficient skills and knowledge for a master’s degree in music.
Any exceptions to the previous qualifications requirement given above will be detailed in the admissions criteria for each degree programme.
To be eligible to study for a Master of Arts degree (2.0 years) at the Sibelius Academy you need to have completed at least one of the following:
- an applicable lower university degree
- an applicable university of applied sciences degree
- an applicable foreign degree that provides eligibility for corresponding higher education studies in the awarding country.
How to confirm your study place
You need to accept the study place no later than 15 July 2022 at 3pm (Finnish time) or you will lose your place (Universities Act 38 § / Polytechnics Act 28 c).
Accepting a study place is a binding choice, and you cannot cancel or change your choice later. When you accept a study place bindingly, all your other study programmes will automatically be cancelled. You may accept only one study place leading to a higher education degree in Finland that begins in the same academic term (1 August – 31 December).
The study place is accepted electronically in the Studyinfo portal. If you have been accepted to a study programme, you will receive an e-mail with a confirmation link (sender Click the given link and confirm your study place. If you cannot accept your study place electronically, please use the paper form sent to you together with your acceptance letter and deliver it by e-mail to
Request for rectification
If you are dissatisfied with the admissions decision, you can request for rectification of the Dean’s admission decision from Uniarts Helsinki under the Universities Act (558/2009), section 82. The purpose of a written request for rectification is to give you the possibility to appeal and request for rectification if there is a reason to believe that there has been an error in the decision-making process. The rectification procedure is not intended as a means for receiving feedback or asking for further information about the admissions process.
A written request for rectification should be submitted to the university within 14 days of the publication of the admission result.