Information on ticket sales

You can buy tickets for Academy of Fine Arts, Sibelius Academy and Theatre Academy events. Tickets may be pre-booked and purchased at the door. Some of the events have a free admission.

Academy of Fine Arts exhibitions

The Academy of Fine Arts galleries have a free admission.

Sibelius Academy concerts

You can buy tickets for Sibelius Academy concerts from Uniarts and Helsinki Music centre website, Helsinki Music centre’s box office and at the door. Some concerts have a free admission. The event calendar shows the price of each concert on the event page.

For the time being, tickets purchased at the door can only be paid with the most common payment cards.

Tickets for the concerts at the Seinäjoki unit are sold by NetTicket

Ticket categories

Standard price / pensioners / children 4–17 years old, students, unemployed, in military service / group tickets -20% of standard price tickets, minimum group size 10 people.

Ticket sale contact information

Ticket sale phone service tel. 0600 411 101 Mon–Fri klo 9–15 (0,99 €/min + lnc).

For the Music Centre concerts, group tickets can be booked by calling the Helsinki Music Centre’s group sales at +358 20 7070 426 or by email at

Theatre Academy events

You can find the start dates for ticket sales for each event in the event calendar. The ticket sales start about one month before the premiere, always opening at 12 noon.

Contact information for ticket sales

  • +358 400 792 005 Available by phone 1h before the event.
  • Uniarts Helsinki’s Theatre Academy, Haapaniemenkatu 6, 00530 Helsinki

Ticket prices and payment methods

  • Pre-booking:
    • Standard price 15 euros
    • Students, pensioners, unemployed 7 euros
    • Theatre and dance professionals 4 euros
    • TaiY/ Aalto Elo / Näty / TaiY Open free tickets
  • Tickets from ticket sales at the door 1h before the event +2 euros
  • Only card payment at ticket sales, we do not accept cash.

Redeeming / cancelling tickets

  • Please, register at the ticket sales no later than 20 minutes before the start of the event.
  • Unredeemed seats are released for sale.
  • Upon request, those who have selected the “AiY/ Aalto Elo / Näty / TaiY Open” ticket type must be able to prove their right to the ticket.
  • Can’t make it? Our audience sizes are small and there are many willing participants. We appreciate if you can pass your seat on to the next one if you are unable to attend the event.

Queuing for tickets

  • If the event is fully booked, you can register for the electronic queue. When more seats become available, those registered are the first to receive a message about this.
  • When you are offered a seat you were queuing for, please, remember to accept it or give it up.
  • The electronic queues are closed and removed one day before the premiere of each production. After this, if there are available seats left, you can still purchase tickets electronically or one hour before the start of the event from ticket sales at the door.

Event cancellations

  • Should the Theatre Academy cancel a performance, we will refund the ticket money at the participant’s request. In case of a cancellation, we will always contact the participants. In other situations, unfortunately, we will not issue a refund.

Group reservations