High-quality and wide-ranging education

Strategic goal 1/6: We enable the growth of our students and help them become highly skilled and broadminded artists and changemakers.

We offer a unique environment for our students to grow into artists. They discover their personal strengths, renew the arts sector with a bold attitude and bring change to the world. They have the chance to apply their skills in various contexts during their studies and find employment as experts even outside the arts sector.


We introduce curricula that are based on shared principles.

  • We establish collective, strategy-based principles for educational development and launch university-level planning of curricula.
  • We strengthen the role of individual study paths and enable student-driven projects.
  • We increase the selection of joint studies so that all students have the chance to include them in their degree.

We strengthen our education, teaching and pedagogy by basing them on research and artistic activities.

  • We develop our education, teaching and pedagogy using a research-based approach.
  • We make way for new educational pilots, where students, teachers and researchers develop innovative ways to teach art.

We help artists adopt increasingly diverse professional profiles.

  • We contribute to students’ employment prospects by strengthening their competence and helping them to develop the entrepreneurial skills required for the ever-changing job market.
  • We develop services that utilise artistic practices and strengthen their link to our studies, stakeholder cooperation and partnership building.
  • We strengthen our practices and expertise related to guidance and mentoring.

We widen the choice of study opportunities available in continuous learning.

  • We strengthen and clarify the academic role of the Open Campus as a joint platform for the academies and the artistic fields.
  • We increase the choice of study opportunities available in continuous learning through Open University studies, continuing education and professional specialisation education.
  • We support students to graduate within the normative timeframe and provide them with study opportunities in continuous learning to complement their skills.
  • We also provide study opportunities for continuous learning in non-artistic fields.

We boost the international pull and impact of our degree programmes.

  • We develop our degree programmes by utilising our international networks, the strong reputation of our academies, and our unique profile, which is characterised by a dialogue between the arts and related research.
  • We increase our international impact and the competitiveness of our programmes in the global education sector within our chosen fields.
  • We make it possible for all our students to complete an internationalisation period and introduce a language policy that supports internationalisation.

We support sustainable digitalisation.

  • We take part in digital projects aimed at higher education institutions in Finland.
  • In our joint curriculum planning, we set learning objectives that recognise the effects and opportunities created by digitalisation in the arts.
  • We develop our digital learning environment and improve the practical technology skills of our students and teachers.


  1. Students’ opinions on whether their studies are relevant to their professional life (career monitoring survey).
  2. Internal mobility (ECTS credits for studies completed at other academies and at the Open Campus).
  3. ECTS credits for continuous learning (incl. Junior Academy, Open University, continuing education, professional specialisation education).