
Uniarts Helsinki’s foundations help the university improve its arts education and provide support for the academies and their students.

Uniarts Helsinki has two foundations: University of the Arts Helsinki Foundation and Sibelius Academy Foundation. Their purpose is to award grants to students and to provide financial support for the development of the university’s activities. The grants give students the opportunity to develop as artists by participating in international courses, for example.  

The foundations’ funds are accrued mainly through bequests and donations made by private individuals. The foundations actively work to increase their wealth so that more and more students can boost their studies and career with the help of grants.

Through these foundations, you can either provide support for all the academies in general or allocate funds to a specific artistic discipline that you find the most meaningful.

University of the Arts Helsinki Grants

Each academy within the University of the Arts has their own grants for the purpose of advancing the recipients’ studies. In addition, the university awards grants and scholarships intented to cover the annual tuition fees.

University of the Arts Helsinki Foundation

The University of the Arts Helsinki Foundation was established in 2018, and for the time being, its primary focus is on fundraising. The foundation has awarded grants for the first time in 2021.

The grants are awarded through the foundation’s three funds: General Fund, Academy of Fine Arts Fund and Theatre Academy Fund.

The board members of the University of the Arts Helsinki Foundation are Heikki Lehtonen, Kaarlo Hildén, Leif Jakobsson, Teijamari Jyrkkiö and Mikael Karkkonen.

Sibelius Academy Foundation

The Sibelius Academy Foundation awards grants to music students. The foundation was established in 1931, and it covers a total of 20 different funds that have been set up with the help of donations or bequests.

The board members of the foundation are Mammu Kaario (chair), Tom von Weymarn (vice chair), Eeva Ahdekivi and Tapio Oksanen.