Equality and non-discrimination

With our equality and non-discrimination work we are building a diverse, equitable, and inclusive (DEI) community. Members of the Uniarts Helsinki community must be allowed to be themselves and be respected as who they are.

Smalla group of students sitting in a rehearsal space. Some sitting in chairs, one sitting on the floor, laughing. A black piano is in the background.

Inclusivity is a shared responsibility

The purpose of equality and non-discrimination work at Uniarts Helsinki is the following: to promote equality and non-discrimination within the university, prevent discrimination, and create an atmosphere that embraces diversity. Genuine inclusivity requires that all members of our community feel like they are treated fairly and with respect and have a sense of belonging to the community. Inclusivity also requires that the members of the community feel that their work and study environment is psychologically safe. Each and every member of the university community must have the same opportunities to work, study, participate and be treated well regardless of their individual background. 

Making inclusivity a reality in everyday life requires work, patience, challenging of personal thinking patterns and a constant effort to understand other people’s thinking and perspectives. All of us have prejudices, whether we are aware of them or not; becoming conscious of them is the first step towards adapting our behaviour. Recognising privileges and dismantling them is a central part of promoting inclusivity. 

The aim is to make equality and non-discrimination visible in all Uniarts Helsinki activities. Promoting equality and non-discrimination is the shared responsibility of the entire university community. It is also a central part of our strategy. 

Goals for 2021–2024

Uniarts Helsinki’s Equality and Diversity Committee formulates concrete goals for promoting equality and diversity among students and staff members on a yearly basis. In 2021–2024, the goals are:  

  1. We secure a study and work environment that is free from inappropriate treatment and harassment 
  2. We have an inclusive language policy in everyday operations  
  3. We increase people’s awareness and understanding of inclusivity as a general principle that steers our operations 

Equality and Diversity Committee

Uniarts Helsinki has an Equality and Diversity Committee appointed by the rector. The committee’s mission is the following:  

  • to promote equality and diversity at Uniarts Helsinki  
  • compile the Equality and Diversity Plan  
  • monitor how well it is implemented  
  • to participate in discussions on equality-related issues  

HR and Service Director Riikka Mäki-Ontto chairs the committee. 

Uniarts Helsinki’s Equality and Diversity Committee follows the implementation of the planned measures, and the Plan is updated on a yearly basis. The situation is monitored also through regular student feedback and workplace well-being surveys. Based on this material, the Equality and Diversity Committee analyses the situation, makes proposals, and reports on issues to the university management.

Equality and diversity coordinator

Mia Seppälä is the Equality and Diversity Coordinator at Uniarts Helsinki.

Plans and instructions

Uniarts Helsinki’s Equality and Diversity Plan is part of the university’s HR and Staff Training Plan. It supports the university’s strategy for 2021–2030 and the Staff Policy for 2021–2024. The plan presents the current state of equality and diversity at Uniarts Helsinki. Furthermore, it defines the goals and measures that help Uniarts Helsinki to further promote equality and diversity in its role as an education provider and an employer. The plan is implemented in all of the university’s operations.

The equality and equity plan will be updated during the spring semester 2025.

Promoting equality and non-discrimination is a central part of our strategy. Our fifth goal in the strategy is to be a community that is characterised by wellbeing, an international appeal, and a lack of discrimination. 

Uniarts Helsinki’s Code of Conduct concerns each member of the university community regardless of their position or role. Each member of the community is expected to be familiar with the Code of Conduct and to comply with its principles. 

Uniarts Helsinki has a zero-tolerance policy against inappropriate treatment, harassment and discrimination. The university has drawn up a model for early support to encourage the personnel, Uniarts Helsinki has a zero-tolerance policy against inappropriate treatment, harassment and discrimination. The university has drawn up a model for early support to encourage the personnel, supervisors and students to intervene when they encounter problems that jeopardise the wellbeing and activities of the work community. Wellbeing at work is something everyone contributes to, and it is everyone’s shared responsibility. 

Further information