Conferment ceremony price list

Prices for participation in Uniarts Helsinki’s conferment ceremony in 2024.

Participation fees

The conferment ceremony is a unique celebration that leaves you with valuable memories. The amount of the participation fee depends on whether you are participating in all conferment festivities or only in some of the events (limited participation). The limited participation means that you will not participate in the conferment gala, conferment dinner or the excursion on Sunday.

You can participate in the conferment ceremony alone or with a companion. The companion can be, for example, a friend, partner or family member.

Participation in all events

The participation fee for all conferment week events is €270 for Uniarts Helsinki’s masters or doctors to be conferred. The participation fee for the companion of the conferred is €200.

The conferment week events include Friday’s concert and Saturday’s conferment act, procession, church service or secular jubilee and conferment dinner. The conferment weekend ends on Sunday with an excursion organised by the Student Union. 

Participation only in some of the events

Promovendi can also choose to participate in only some of the events of the conferment week (limited participation). In this case, you will only attend the wreath-weaving (master’s graduates) or the doctoral hat try-on session, dance rehearsals, the conferment ceremony, the procession and the church service or the secular jubilee. You can choose whether to attend the church service or the secular jubilee.

The fee for limited participation is €180.

Registration and participation fee

The participation fee is paid in connection with the Lyyti registration. After paying the fee, the registration is binding.

Cancellation terms

If you are unable to attend the event, we ask you to notify us without delay by emailing the address so that we can make the necessary arrangements. Participation fees will not be refunded.

An exception to this rule is cancellation due to an illness, in which case we will deduct a 100-euro processing fee from the participation fee.

Another exception is those whose expected graduation in June does not happen after all. In this case, they must cancel their participation by 31 May, in which case we will refund the participation fee in full. No refunds are possible after the aforementioned date.

If the event organiser cancels the event due to force majeure, we will refund all participation fees in full, but we will not reimburse participants’ other costs incurred due to the cancellation.

Participation in the conferment dinner for students and staff

Students and staff of Uniarts Helsinki can also participate only in the conferment dinner at the Old Student House. The price for the dinner is €120.

Students and employees can register for the conferment dinner starting from June 2024. There is limited seating available for the dinner.

Note that participation in the conferment ceremony also incurs other costs, especially due to the dress code. We warmly recommend that you check out the Promootiot kierrättää Facebook group for second-hand clothing for the conferment ceremony!