Artistic Practice and Research study option
Artistic Practice and Research study option includes individual artistic projects that focus on different approaches to artistic research, choreography and collaboration.

Studies in the Artistic Practice and Research study option include individual artistic projects focusing on different approaches to artistic research, choreography and collaboration.

Solo work
The studies in the first year’s autumn focus on different methodological and theoretical approaches to choreography and composition. During the course Approaches to choreography and artistic practices the students will explore and develop their own choreographic practice, their ability to research the framed subject or approach and share their artistic research processes in a rehearsal studio environment at the end of the semester.
Artistic Collaboration Project (ACO)
In Artistic Collaboration Project (ACO) the students will work in a multidisciplinary artistic collaboration with students from several different degree programmes: BA in Dance, MA students in Lighting Design, Sound Design, Scenography, Dramaturgy, and Dance Performance from the Theatre Academy, and Costume Design from Aalto University. ACO performances will be presented at the very end of the first year studies in the end of May.
Artistic part of the Master’s Thesis
In the artistic part of the master’s thesis students show that they can perform independent artistic work that covers all the stages of a choreographic process and gives a picture of the student’s ability to work as a professional choreographer and of their potential to discover their quality as artists. Please see more details in the study guide master’s thesis.