Academy of Fine Arts Admission results, spring 2022
You can also get the information about the results by calling +358 50 44 88 540 or by e-mail at kuva.admissions(at)

Admission results published on June 3, 2022
Admission for 5.5-year studies leading to Bachelor and Master of Fine Arts degree
The following 25 applicants are admitted, and the following 7 applicants are on reserve. The applicant’s degree language is shown in brackets after their name.
Anttila, Eeva-Liisa (Finnish)
Arvidsson, Rasmus (Swedish)
Carlson, Sofie (Swedish)
Ebbe Belinskij, Cecilia (Swedish)
Edvards, Vita (Finnish)
Grön, Line (Swedish)
Grönroos, Henna (Finnish)
Hiltunen, Piia (Finnish)
Kalervo, Eero (Finnish)
Kärki, Paavo (Finnish)
Marins, Sandra (Finnish)
Niittymäki, Daniel (Finnish)
Partanen, Oskar (Finnish)
Pennanen, Jaakko (Finnish)
Pylvänäinen, Ilmari (Finnish)
Rahkonen, Ella (Finnish)
Raudas, Raisa (Finnish)
Salim, Mahmood (Finnish) (conditionally eligible applicant)
Sarsaniia, Fatima (English)
Siivonen, (Finnish)
Somos, Nòra (English)
Suni, Saga (Finnish)
Turunen, Vertti (Finnish)
Zhang, Rong-Ci (English)
Reserve list:
1. Peltola, Aino (Finnish)
2. Lukjanova, Anetta (Finnish)
3. Koskinen, Vilhelmiina (Finnish)
4. Naghian, Sana (English)
5. Palesto, Linda (Finnish)
6. Tallberg, Jenny (Finnish)
7. Mäki-Jyllilä, Anna (Finnish)
The admitted applicants will receive more information about the procedure, on accepting the study place, and on how to enroll for the academic year by e-mail.
Applicants who took part in the admission course, but were not admitted, can request feedback from members of the Admission Jury. Feedback will be given on 13 June 2022 from 1 to 4 pm (local time in Finland). Instructions on how to request feedback will be sent by e-mail to the applicants who can ask for feedback.
Admission of Contemporary art history and theory, 3-year programme leading to Bachelor of Arts (degree programme in Finnish)
The following 10 applicants are admitted, and the following 8 applicants are on reserve.
Dalén, Sofia
Dorairaju, Konsta
Heinonen, Henriikka
Humalajoki, Salla
Mantere, Kalle
Salo, Heini
Siistonen, Ilona
Strang, Alva
Suosalo, Alli
Turtiainen, Minea
Reserve list:
1. Kuusisto, Veera
2. Boswell, Emily
3. Pirttiperä, Otto
4. Komu, Katariina
5. Tast, Mimosa
6. applicant has not authorised publication of their name on the website
7. Kuljuntausta, Viivi
8. Kopakkala, Olli
The admitted applicants will receive more information about the procedure, on accepting the study place, and on how to enroll for the academic year by e-mail.
Applicants who took part in the lats phase of the entrance examination, but were not admitted, can request feedback from members of the Admission Jury. Feedback will be given on 7 June 2022 from 1 to 3 pm (local time in Finland). Instructions on how to request for feedback will be sent by e-mail to the applicants.
Accepting the offered study place
You need to accept the offered study place no later than 15 July 2022 at 3pm EET (local Finnish time) or you will lose your place. If the applicant has been deemed as conditionally eligible in the first phase of the admissions process, they must submit a degree certificate which proves that they will have the required educational background or language proficiency by the time they accept the study place.
Confirming your study place is done either in or by the paper form that is sent to you via e-mail together with your acceptance letter. The paper form must be delivered to Uniarts Helsinki Admissions Office ( If the confirmation form arrives late, it will not be considered.
Accepting a study place is a binding choice, and you cannot cancel or change your choice later. When you accept a study place bindingly, all your other study programmes will automatically be cancelled. You may accept only one study place leading to a higher education degree in Finland that begins in the same academic term.
How to request for rectification
Applicants can apply for rectification of this decision from the University of the Arts Helsinki under the Universities Act (558/2009), section 82.
Read more on rectification procedure
The right of appeal means that the applicant has the possibility to request for rectification if there is a reason to believe that there has been an error in the decision-making process. The right of appeal is not intended as a means for receiving feedback or asking for further information about the application process. A written request for rectification should be submitted to the university within 14 days of the publication of the final admission result.
Content of the request for rectification
The admission decisions are based on the information that the applicant has delivered to the University of the Arts Helsinki by the given deadline. The request for rectification must specify the subject matter of the rectification as well as the grounds for it. The request for rectification should contain the applicant’s name, Finnish social security code/date of birth and contact information and be signed either by the applicant or by the applicant’s authorised representative. The request should specify the target programme (or programmes) that the request concerns. If you are sending the request for rectification by e-mail, please write the name of the academy in the subject field.
Delivery of the request for rectification
The request for rectification must be in writing and it must be submitted to the University of the Arts Helsinki Registry. The request for rectification must arrive to the Registry within fourteen days of the announcement of the final admission results. The sender is responsible for the delivery of the request for rectification. The request is sent to the following address:
Ban on appeals
A decision, for which a rectification may be requested under the Universities Act Section 82, may not be appealed against in the administrative court before the rectification process has been completed. An appeal against a decision concerning a rectification request shall be lodged with the administrative court.