We are what we remember and what we forget

About the exhibition

The majority of our memories lie hidden until like small bubbles of air they may rise from the depths to the surface our consciousness – often without invitation, as if according to their own free will. A scent, taste sound or a trace can swiftly summon back a lost experience or emotion vividly or only as a partly remembered mysterious fragment. With memory we can travel in time freely in our inner world. Whenever we encounter each other our vast private inner worlds of memories also interact.

The exhibition has been curated by Iina Kuusimäki as part of  Praxis (MfA) thesis.


Viva Granlund, Mercedes Krapovickas, Marjo Levlin, Simo Mantere, Inari Virmakoski, Terhi Vuotto


At 6pm at the exhibition opening on March 21 we will see a joint performance by Inari Virmakoski (performance art) and Mercedes Krapovickas (music, composition).

At the opening Viva Granlund will be present and extending her exhibited work by drawing. Granlund will be drawing in the exhibition space during opening hours from 2pm


22.3.2025 – 30.3.2025

Further information

Exhibition space: Majakka, at Mylly 6th floor. Open Tue-Fri 12–19, Sat 12–18, Sun 12–16. Entrance after 4pm through Theater Academy at Haapaniemenkatu.