Uniarts Hub launch event

Opiskelijoita katolla tanssimassa

In the event, you will be provided a more detailed description of the programme and schedule and hear stories about entrepreneurship from creative professionals. Sign up for the kick-off event by sending an email to kati.uusi-rauva@uniarts.fi with the topic “Pre-incubator launch”.


  • 14.00 Welcoming words, Kaarlo Hildén, rector, Uniarts Helsinki
  • 14.10 Brief introduction of the programme, Kati Uusi-Rauva
  • 14.15 Artist as an entrepreneur, Katriina Haikala
  • 14.35 Finding balance between artist and client work, Joni Pakanen
  • 15.00Tracking new ways of doing business in arts, Heini Merkkiniemi
  • 15.20 What happens in the pre-incubator programme and how to apply, Kati Uusi-Rauva
  • 15.40 Discussion
  • 16.00 End of event


Katriina Haikala has worked for 15 years as an independent artist creating international, socially engaged art projects. Haikala’s art practice is socially engaged, collaborative, participatory and involves people in collaboration and social interaction. The body of her work is intertwined with activism since it often deals with political issues such as human rights and equality. Haikala’s artform is interdisciplinary involving performance, photography, visual art and film. Katriina has held exhibitions since 2007 around the globe, and has been featured frequently in international media.

Joni Pakanen is a top class magician who creates an international career by combining humor, visuality and close interaction with the audience. Pakanen, who mainly performs for corporate clients, has been seen in the background teams of other artists, theater and showproductions in recent years. The past two years he has devoted for building a magical virtual experience. Pakanen won the 1st price in the Streaming Magic competition in October 2021.

Heini Merkkiniemi is The Entrepreneur in arts sector. She’s one of the central forces in the Pertin Valinta/Pertti’s Choice, which has been a pioneering arts initiative: it is an agency, gallery, production house and store, employing, representing and owned by outsider artists. New Beat, that was founded by Heini, is a production and development company, cooperating with public sector and NGO’s. In her work Heini is looking for new ways and areas for art and creativity related business concepts and artists, targeting to make a societal change for especially groups that are considered traditionally as outsiders.

Kati Uusi-Rauva is the project manager of Uniarts Hub pre-incubator programme. Kati has been working in creative industries development in many roles, such as consultant, agent, content producer and lecturer, 20+ years.


23.8.2022 at 14:00 – 16:00



Töölönlahdenkatu 16

00100 Helsinki

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