Two More Days

The last two days on this island. The last two days of its quiet fury. And the humans – they always take two more days!

AI ja Simba S Maaten

Prospero and his offspring live on an island inhabited by spirits and mystical creatures. It is far in the north, at the end of the world. They have been there in exile for the past twelve years. Today, an opportunity presents itself: they can escape their dire situation in two more days and return to civilisation.

The working group of Two More Days: The Tempest Resummoned by the Baltic Sea partnered with the Baltic Sea to seek its guidance in imagining possibilities for continuing life on this Earth we have adopted, mistreated, and continue to abuse. It combines different versions of William Shakespeares (arguably) last play, The Tempest.

This production is an element of Maaten’s artistic research for directing with natural non-human collaborators.

Working group

  • Directing, scenography, costume design, lighting design: Simba Siim Maaten (Artistic Thesis)
  • Dramaturgy: The Baltic Sea, working group and Katariina Jumppanen, Maria Myllykangas
  • Choreography: The Baltic Sea, Working group
  • Fight Choreography: Emil Houlind and Hanna Kalo
  • Performers: Sabina Aftyka, Salvador Esparza, Emil Houlind, Elina Jackson, Olli Kalliala, Hanna Kalo, Tuule Helin Krigul, Lambis Pavlou, Marjukka Savolainen, Romeo Ström
  • Sound design and Composer: Jin Oh
  • Consultants: Anna Papinsaari, Samu Kotilainen, Juri Jänis

Performance in English, subtitles available in English and Finnish.

Duration 90min.


28.2.2025 at 18:00
1.3.2025 at 15:00
3.3.2025 at 14:00
4.3.3202 at 18:30
5.3.2025 at 19:00
6.3.2025 at 18:00



Haapaniemenkatu 6

00530 Helsinki

Studio 4


In­for­ma­tion on ticket sales

Further information

Ac­ces­si­bil­ity in The­atre Acad­e­my’s per­for­mances

Location on map

See directions