The Work of the Head, the Heart, the Hands – An exhibition exploring the influence of teaching on artists’ practices

James Prevett, Reflective Hats, 2023–24.


“If to exist means to be ‘outside of yourself, not to coincide with yourself, but to stand out towards the world, to be in dialogue with the world rather than with yourself, then the question arises what it means to want to exist in that way, what it means to desire to live in that way.”- Gert Biesta, Letting Art Teach

Reflecting on his years in fine art education British artist Jon Thompson suggested that for an art school to work students and tutors must share the desire to be an artist. It is not difficult to imagine how such a shared desire could lead to students’ practices being shaped by the influence of their teacher. But how and in what ways is that relationship reciprocal? How does teaching influence the making, thinking, and pedagogy of the educator? This exhibition sets out to explore these questions and better understand how experience of teaching fine art might shape the practice of artist teachers.

The participating artists work at the Academy of Fine Art Helsinki and the University of Lapland or have collaborated on teaching and research projects. Their practices represent many of the disciplines, media, and materials that are used in schools and academies of art. Some of the works have emerged directly from teaching or through interaction with students, others depict or address teaching less directly, but in many the influence of teaching while present is not foregrounded, it exists in the work more as subtle influence on the artists engagement with form, material, or subject. Collectively these works allow us to reflect on how the intergenerational influence of teaching might flow in different directions.

Those who can teach, must dream – Thoughts on my journey as a teacher of art writing, an essay by Aino-Kaisa Koistinen will accompany the exhibition.

An excerpt from David Edward Price’s work An Excessive Sketch of a Specific Place, will be read during the vernissage.

Artists and artist groups

Joanne Addison, Doug Bowen & Sean Kaye, Frank Brümmel, Jenny Dunseath, Jaana Erkkilä-Hill, Tom Engblom, Chris Evans, Luis Guerra, Henri Hagman, Inventory of Behaviors, Michael Marnin Jacobs, Natasha Kidd, Kelly Large, Leila Lipiäinen, Esa Meltaus, Marika Orenius, Daniel Peltz, Pauliina Pesonen, James Prevett, Magnus Quaife, Timothy Jude Smith, Matti Tainio.

  • Galleria Valo, Arktikum, Pohjoisranta 4, 96200 Rovaniemi
  • Avoinna ti-su 10-18, 1.-14.12.2024 joka päivä 10-18
  • Vapaa pääsy/free entrance

Galleria Valo. 17th of October to the 14th of December 2024. Vernissage 16th October 18-20


17.10.2024 – 14.12.2024 at 23:59


Galleria Valo, open from Tuesday to Sunday 10-18, 1.-14.12.2024 every day 10-18, free entrance.


Pohjoisranta 4

96200 Rovaniemi

Location on map

See directions