Tell me a story from before I can remember

What if we remember what we don’t remember?

Shaghayegh Ansari

What remains when the usual and the unfamiliar dissolve? How do we navigate through the layers of time in the urban spaces we inhabit?

Through an interactive, sensory experience, this performance recollects everyday memories and calls to play with these blurry fragments – chasing a narration while getting lost in it.

Working group

  • Directing: Shaghayegh Ansari (Artistic thesis)
  • Dramaturgy: Paula Sasse
  • Producers: Frida Gullichsen and Leia Boullenger


  • The participatory performance consists of an interactive installation in the White Studio and a walk in the nearby streets.
  • Pre-registration for the performances will be made available at the end of February.


20.3.2025 – 2.4.2025



Sörnäisten rantatie 19

00530 Helsinki

White Studio


In­for­ma­tion on ticket sales

Further information

Ac­ces­si­bil­ity in The­atre Acad­e­my’s per­for­mances

Location on map

See directions