Student matinee of the Sibelius Junior Academy 

Entry in the order of arrival as long as there are available places (Camerata 238 places). Entrance from 2:50 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., leaving the hall only when the performer changes. The Ground Foyer has unsurveilled coat racks for outdoor clothes and large bags, free of charge. 


– Changes in program are possible.

Marcel Tournier (1879–1951): Au Matin
4 min

Maria Ihanus, harppu 1)

Maurice Ravel (1875–1937): Sonatiini M.40 (v. 1905), osa
– 1. Modéré
4 min

Eevi Hasu, piano 2)

Paul Hindemith (1895–1963): Sonaatti huilulle ja pianolle (v. 1936), osat
– 1. Heiter bewegt
– 2. Sehr langsam
9 min

Eero Punkari, huilu 3)
Fanny Söderström, piano

Pierre Sancan (1916–2008): Sonatine (v. 1946)
9 min

Carolina Azzola, huilu 3)
Fanny Söderström, piano

Harry Nilsson (1941–1994): Without you
4 min

Iiris Korpela, laulu ja piano

Louis Spohr (1784–1859): Klarinettikonsertto nro 2 op. 57, osa
– 1. Allegro
Béla Kovács (1937–2021): Hommage á Bartók
15 min

Eliel Lahesmaa, klarinetti 5)
Timo Koskinen, piano

Opettajat: 1) Päivi Severeide 2) Anna Kuvaja 3) Hanna Juutilainen 4) Venla Ilona Blom (laulu) ja Merve Abdurrahmani 5) Christoffer Sundqvist

Additional information: Päivi Koivula, 

Entry in the order of arrival as long as there are available places (Concert Hall 550 places). Entrance from 2:45 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. and when the performer changes.

The Ground Foyer has unsurveilled coat racks for outdoor clothes and large bags, free of charge.

Matinees of the Sibelius junior academy at Sibelius Academy

The Sibelius junior academy’s student and chamber music matinees are a series of concerts by students of classical music in Sibelius junior academy. The aim of the junior academy is to introduce musically talented schoolchildren and young people to the scope of goal-oriented music teaching. Concert performers are from all around Finland.

Saturday concert programmes mainly consist of solo performances by young musicians. With their varying repertoires, they reflect both the high-quality competence of our junior academy students and our diverse range of instruments.

Chamber music and its study opens doors to a world where individuality and communality meet in the best possible way. Playing together develops, unites and enriches not only the musicians, but also the audience. In Sibelius junior academy, chamber music is mainly studied at weekend camps organised at the Kallio-Kuninkala training centre in Järvenpää, which culminate in Sunday concerts organised in Helsinki.


23.3.2024 at 15:00 – 15:45



Mannerheimintie 13a

00100 Helsinki

Helsinki Music Centre


Free entrance

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See directions