Launch event: new books “Mi­ten teh­dä esi­tyk­sel­lä” & “How to Do Things with Ar­tis­tic Re­search”

This year, two works on performance and artistic research were published. Vastapaino published the book Miten tehdä esityksellä? Näkökulmia esityksen monimuotoisuuteen, which includes texts by Hanna Järvinen, Annette Arlander, Tero Nauha and Pilvi Porkola. From Annette Arlander came How to Do Things with Artistic Research – animal years revisited (Acta Scenica 65).

The publication of both books will be celebrated in the Tekstin talo cabinet on Tuesday 10.12. at 16-17. Welcome!


10.12.2024 at 16:00 – 17:00


Tekstin talo