ISME: Duo Cap­po­ni-Me­ri­kan­to

Argentinean Art songs for Voice and Piano

The concert includes songs of Argentinean composers of different periods. The lyrics of the selected art songs refer to nature, the natural environment, and the beauties of the country but also of love and sorrow. The music combines rich rhythmical patterns, typical of the Argentinean music. A tonal and romantic style which at times introduces innovative musical materials and a more modern style defines the diverse musical program.

The immersion into the dualism music and poetry is an essential part of the Art song genre and because of that, the performers will narrate the main idea of each song in English (one or two sentences) to the audience before performing. This methodology has been appreciated by the audience in the past; it has been useful for enriching audience’ experiences and participation.


  • La Rosa y el sauce / The rose and the willow (2.18’)
  • Bonita rama de sauce / Beautiful willow branch (1.51’)
  • Prestame tu pañuelito / Borrow me your handkerchief (2.02’)
  • Anhelo / Wishing (2.00’)
  • Hermano – Canción del sur / Brother – song of the South (3.30’)
  • Pueblito, mi pueblo / My little town, my town (2.10’)
  • Pampamapa (3.06’)
  • En los surcos del amor / In the grooves of love (1.37’)
  • Hallazgo / Discovery (1, 25’)
  • Encantamiento / Enchantment (2.16’)
  • Rocío /dewdrops (2.40’)
  • Triste – Debajo de un limón verde / Under the lemon tree (2.41’)
  • Canción al árbol del olvido / Song to the tree of forgetfulness (2.09’)
  • Canción de la luna lunanca / Song of the lunar moon (2.05’)


  • Duo Capponi-Merikanto

The interpreters are Analía Capponi-Savolainen (voice) and Marjaana Merikanto (piano), who form the duo Capponi-Merikanto. The main goal of the Duo Capponi-Merikanto is to work on the dissemination of the Latin American and Spanish Art song in Finland and internationally. The work of the duo focuses on making this repertoire more accessible for broader audiences and on promoting new ways of appreciation of the Latin-American and Spanish Art song. The work of the duo contributes to expand the vision of the art song of diverse cultural heritages its intrinsic value and appreciation.

Analía Capponi-Savolainen is an Argentinean classical singer and vocal pedagogue. She is currently finalising her doctoral studies at the Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki. Capponi-Savolainen has offered recitals in Finland and abroad. She currently teachers singing in her private studio in Helsinki and conducts vocal pedagogy courses for teachers.
Marjaana Merikanto, is a Finnish concert pianist and educator graduated from the Sibelius Academy. She is an active accompanist, concert pianist and piano teacher at Vantaa Music Institute, at the Lahti opera studio and at Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki. She has performed extensively in Finland and abroad.

Further information: and

ISME World Conference

The ISME World Conference, held every two years, is one of the most significant events in arts education and research worldwide. The International Society for Music Education (ISME) was established in 1953 by UNESCO. The organization represents about 80 member countries worldwide, with its core belief being that experiencing music in various forms is an important part of life. The theme of the 2024 World Conference is to explore the significance of music and arts education as promoters of mental resilience and cultural transformation required by the ecological crisis. The event will provide a platform for arts educators around the world to learn with and from each other, share viewpoints and envision ways forward.

Read more about ISME

Mannerheimintie renovation project

Access to the Musiikkitalo from the direction of Mannerheimintie will be difficult. We recommend that you allow enough time for your arrival and use the entrance on the side of Kansalaistori if possible. According to current information, the entrance to Mannerheimintie will also remain in use throughout the renovation, but pedestrian routes can be challenging at times.

We recommend following the official information channels of the renovation project, where you can find the most up-to-date information.


1.8.2024 at 13:00 – 13:45


Helsinki Music Centre

Töölönlahdenkatu 16

00100 Helsinki


Free admission

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