Adventures of Harriharri- Episode II

A video game performance. Harriharri battles the forces of social exclusion in order to integrate into Finnish society.

Kuvassa keskellä henkilöhahmo, edessä ruudullinen lattia

This video game performance chronicles Harriharri’s life in Helsinki and his exploration of the surrounding nature areas of Vantaa. Harriharri is a newcomer to Finland who arrives with high hopes of being warmly welcomed into the culture and making new friends. He feels confident and full of initiative to contribute to the local artistic landscape. However, it doesn’t turn out quite like in Strömsö.

Through gameplay, Harriharri undergoes an unsettling introduction to Finnish cultural politics, one that shatters his naïve image of Finland. Despite his sincere efforts, he faces continuous obstacles in pursuit of integrating into Finnish society. In order to conquer the most challenging levels of the game, Harriharri must battle bureaucracies and systemic forces of social exclusion.

No matter what, Harriharri must not give up!

The game is performed live in an interactive-cinema format and narrated through live rap and song. Join Harriharri on this hip hop fantasy adventure!

Working group

Created & Performed: Harold Hejazi (LAPS)
Sound Design: Eliel Tammiharju (Äba)
Supervisors: Jokke Heikkilä, Ray Langenbach

This work is supported by Arts Promotion Centre Finland (Taike) and is produced by both Vantaa Art Museum Artsi and the Theatre Academy of the University of Arts Helsinki.

Follow @harriharrigame to stay updated.

Read more about the performance at Artsi website.

The event is in English and held at the Cultural House Martinus.

Content Warnings: Strong or coarse language. This performance explores issues of race and immigration that may be considered offensive to some viewers.

LAPS 20 – 20 years of Live Art education and research in Finland

Autumn 2021 will mark the 20th anniversary of the Live Art and Performance Studies (LAPS) master’s programme at Uniarts Helsinki’s Theatre Academy. We are celebrating the anniversary in the form of an exhibition, a publication and a concluding party. Read more:


25.9.2021 at 15:00 – 16:00


Kulttuuritalo Martinus

Martinlaaksontie 36

01620 Vantaa


Pre- registration by 23.9.2021:

Location on map

See directions