Glo­bal Fest: Ka­ra­ka­tum

Adriano Adewale with students from the Global Music Department perform

Watch a free livestream of the concert

Led by Brazilian percussionist Adriano Adewale, Karakatum draws on a wide range of percussion instruments including conventional, non-conventional, body and vocal percussion. Inspired by Afro-Brazilian rhythms, this large percussion ensemble incorporates drumming, song and dance to create a dynamic and creative sound world.

Global Fest, 11.-13.12.2024

Global Fest 2024 is the 9th edition of an annual festival featuring students, teachers, alumni and special guests representing Sibelius Academy’s Global Music Department. Bringing together artists from many corners of the world, the Global Music Department focusses on intercultural dialogue and collaboration, creating new artistic work together and fostering a sense of global citizenship. Expect a feast of dynamic, innovative, inspiring concerts and pop-up events, featuring performers from around the world celebrating the diversity of our planet.

Featuring performers from diverse corners of the world, including Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, Belgium, Bulgaria, Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Iran, Iraq, Italy, Jordan, Kosova, Latvia, Mozambique, Nigeria, Palestine, Peru, Portugal, Serbia, Slovenia, Syria, Tanzania, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine, UK, and USA. 

Browse Global Fest programme

Further information: Minttu Hellstén,


14.12.2023 at 12:00 – 13:00


Black Box

Mannerheimintie 13

00100 Helsinki



Free admission

Location on map

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