Different Points of Return
29.11.–15.12.2024 (closed on Dec 6)
The research project Taking Back the Museum – Opening the Space of Community Museums to Recover the Art of Indigenous People (2021–2024), funded by the Kone Foundation aims to reverse the pattern of taking Indigenous art objects to Western museums and instead collaborate with Indigenous communities while citing recent decolonial and posthuman art discussions – often inspired by Indigenous art – as belonging to them.
The arts, languages, knowledges, and objects of Indigenous peoples and peoples originating of Global South are usually presented according to Western taxonomies in archives and museums, and Indigenous relational concepts, theories, and practices are not considered sufficiently. Additionally, the strength of community is often forgotten when it comes to keeping language and culture as a whole alive. We don’t want to forget the power of the spoken and embodied word, the language of songs, poems, and stories that always lead us back and point to our return to the knowledge that was there before us. As Indigenous art is often generated relationally with land, living beings and ancestors, in this exhibition we use many Indigenous concepts, aware that they often cannot be directly translated into other languages or applied to other contexts.
Thank you: The Autonomous University of Nayarit, Ărramăt project, Coalition for Research and Action for Social Justice and Human Dignity, Emiliano Zapata Elementary School, Finnish Cultural Foundation, ITESO University, Kone Foundation, Museum of Cultural History, The National Film and Sound Archive of Australia, Tatuutsi Maxakwaxi Secondary School, RDM The Sami Collections, RMIT Culture & RMIT Gallery, The Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Rocío de Aguinaga, Angelina Carrillo Muñoz, Haiwima Carrillo Rios, Moises de la Cruz Rentería, Martha Esquivel, Gulahallat eatnamiin -workshop participants, Outi Hakkarainen, Nuvia Elizabeth Hernandez, Pyry-Pekka Kantonen, Tyyni Kantonen, Tuuli Malla, Reino Pirttijärvi, Neikame Julio Ramirez, Santos Rentería, Alvara Salvador Martinez, Amparo Sevilla, Gro Ween.
This exhibition is supported by the Koneen Säätiö / Kone Foundation.
Research group
Hanna Ellen Guttorm, Katri Hirvonen-Nurmi, Lea Kantonen, Pekka Kantonen, Britt Kramvig, Stephanie Misa, Katarina Pirak-Sikku
Steering group
Sarah Corona Berkin, Jelena Porsanger, Irja Seurujärvi-Kari, Professor Pirjo Kristiina Virtanen
Juan Aurelio Carrillo Rios, Kukame Olegario Carrillo Rentería, Felícitas Chávez de la Rosa, Hanna Ellen Guttorm, Lea Kantonen, Pekka Kantonen, Stephanie Misa, Tɨkiema Yolanda Ortiz, Katarina Pirak Sikku, Kɨpaima Norma Robles, Hawiye Gregorio Sandoval
Exhibition opening on November 28th at 17:00.
November 30th at 13:00
Artist-teachers ˀƗɨrɨyɨwi Ceferino Carrillo Díaz and Juan Aurelio Carrillo Rios, representing the Wirrari community, will guide a tour of the exhibition from a Wirrari perspective.
November 30th from 14:00 to 16:00
Craft workshop in the exhibition space. Juan Aurelio Carrillo Rios will demonstrate how to make a thread cross, a Wirrari creation called tsikɨri, using thread and sticks.
December 1st at 15:00
Artist-teachers ˀƗɨrɨyɨwi Ceferino Carrillo Díaz and Juan Aurelio Carrillo Rios, representing the Wirrari community, will guide a tour of the exhibition from a Wirrari perspective.
December 4th at 17:00
Sanna Vuolteenaho’s dialogical concert Näen sinut, näen itseni – kohtaamisia taiteessa. The audience is encouraged to arrive by 16:45.
The research project Taking Back the Museum – Opening the Space of Community Museums to Recover the Art of Indigenous People (2021–2024), funded by the Kone Foundation aims to reverse the pattern of taking Indigenous art objects to Western museums and instead collaborate with Indigenous communities while citing recent decolonial and posthuman art discussions – often inspired by Indigenous art – as belonging to them.
The arts, languages, knowledges, and objects of Indigenous peoples and peoples originating of Global South are usually presented according to Western taxonomies in archives and museums, and Indigenous relational concepts, theories, and practices are not considered sufficiently. Additionally, the strength of community is often forgotten when it comes to keeping language and culture as a whole alive. We don’t want to forget the power of the spoken and embodied word, the language of songs, poems, and stories that always lead us back and point to our return to the knowledge that was there before us. As Indigenous art is often generated relationally with land, living beings and ancestors, in this exhibition we use many Indigenous concepts, aware that they often cannot be directly translated into other languages or applied to other contexts.
Thank you: The Autonomous University of Nayarit, Ărramăt project, Coalition for Research and Action for Social Justice and Human Dignity, Emiliano Zapata Elementary School, Finnish Cultural Foundation, ITESO University, Kone Foundation, Museum of Cultural History, The National Film and Sound Archive of Australia, Tatuutsi Maxakwaxi Secondary School, RDM The Sami Collections, RMIT Culture & RMIT Gallery, The Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Rocío de Aguinaga, Angelina Carrillo Muñoz, Haiwima Carrillo Rios, Moises de la Cruz Rentería, Martha Esquivel, Gulahallat eatnamiin -workshop participants, Outi Hakkarainen, Nuvia Elizabeth Hernandez, Pyry-Pekka Kantonen, Tyyni Kantonen, Tuuli Malla, Reino Pirttijärvi, Neikame Julio Ramirez, Santos Rentería, Alvara Salvador Martinez, Amparo Sevilla, Gro Ween.
This exhibition is supported by the Koneen Säätiö / Kone Foundation.
Research group
Hanna Ellen Guttorm, Katri Hirvonen-Nurmi, Lea Kantonen, Pekka Kantonen, Britt Kramvig, Stephanie Misa, Katarina Pirak-Sikku
Steering group
Sarah Corona Berkin, Jelena Porsanger, Irja Seurujärvi-Kari, Professor Pirjo Kristiina Virtanen
Juan Aurelio Carrillo Rios, Kukame Olegario Carrillo Rentería, Felícitas Chávez de la Rosa, Hanna Ellen Guttorm, Lea Kantonen, Pekka Kantonen, Stephanie Misa, Tɨkiema Yolanda Ortiz, Katarina Pirak Sikku, Kɨpaima Norma Robles, Hawiye Gregorio Sandoval
Exhibition opening on November 28th at 17:00.
November 30th at 13:00
Artist-teachers ˀƗɨrɨyɨwi Ceferino Carrillo Díaz and Juan Aurelio Carrillo Rios, representing the Wirrari community, will guide a tour of the exhibition from a Wirrari perspective.
November 30th from 14:00 to 16:00
Craft workshop in the exhibition space. Juan Aurelio Carrillo Rios will demonstrate how to make a thread cross, a Wirrari creation called tsikɨri, using thread and sticks.
December 1st at 15:00
Artist-teachers ˀƗɨrɨyɨwi Ceferino Carrillo Díaz and Juan Aurelio Carrillo Rios, representing the Wirrari community, will guide a tour of the exhibition from a Wirrari perspective.
December 4th at 17:00
Sanna Vuolteenaho’s dialogical concert Näen sinut, näen itseni – kohtaamisia taiteessa. The audience is encouraged to arrive by 16:45.