CARPA 9 presenters

The invited keynote speakers for the ninth Colloquium on artistic research in the performing arts are Dr. Raisa Foster (FIN) and Dylan Van Den Berg (AUS).

Keynote speakers

Raisa Foster

Photo: Antti Yrjönen

Multidisciplinary artist and scholar Dr. Raisa Foster has focused on the questions of social and ecological justice and sustainable life orientation for the past several years. She holds the titles of associate professor in dance pedagogy (University of the Arts Helsinki) and in social pedagogy, especially artistic research and practice (University of Eastern Finland). Originally a dance practitioner, Foster combines her expertise in body and movement with the possibilities of digital media, creating accessible but sensuously, emotionally, and cognitively stimulating total works of art. Her performances, media works, installations, and drawings have been exhibited in Finland and abroad. She has written several academic articles on the topics of otherness, interdependence, recognition, imagination, care, and ecosocialization in the context of contemporary art, dance, and ecosocial education. 

Dylan Van Den Berg

Dylan Van Den Berg is an Aboriginal Australian dramaturg, playwright and researcher, descendent from the Palawa and Trawloolway peoples of Tasmania. His plays include Whitefella Yella Tree (Griffin Theatre Company), Milk (The Street Theatre), Struthers (NIDA), Ngadjung (Belco Arts), The Camel (Motley Bauhaus) and Consultation (CCTA). He is a two-time recipient of the New South Wales Premier’s Award for Playwriting, winner of the David Williamson Prize for New Australian Writing, and was shortlisted for the UK’s Bruntwood International Prize for Playwriting. He is undertaking a PhD at the University of Canberra, exploring the Aboriginal Gothic on stage. Other research interests include the depiction and function of ‘Country’ and landscapes in First Nations writing, and oral storytelling traditions.  He studied drama at the Australian National University and the State University of New York.

Full list of speakers / presenters of the conference will be announced later.