Doctoral education
Deepen your expertise and complete a doctoral degree in fine arts, theatre and dance, or music.

Become a doctoral student
Read more about our doctoral programmes and the application process.
Doctoral Programme in Fine Arts
The Academy of Fine Arts offers doctoral education that emphasises high-quality artistic work and related research in the field of fine arts.
Doctoral Programme of Artistic Research in Performing Arts
Deepen your expertise and become an artist-researcher at the Theatre Academy.
Doctoral Programme in Music
Doctoral students can choose between three specialisation areas: Arts Study Programme,
Research Study Programme and Applied Study Programme.
Latest admission results for doctoral programmes
Doctoral admissions results spring 2025
Admissions results to the Academy of Fine Arts and Theatre Academy’s doctoral programmes in spring 2025.
Funding for doctoral students
Finland fellowship for new doctoral students
Funding available for a one-year paid position for new doctoral students in music coming from outside EU/EEA.
Doctoral units in the academies
Find out more about our doctoral and research units in our three academies.
Research and doctoral education at the Academy of Fine Arts
Our international community conducts artist- and art-based research in fine arts and educates artist-researchers who renew the arts.
The Performing Arts Research Centre Tutke and Doctoral Studies at the Theatre Academy
The internationally networked research centre promotes artistic research in performing arts and their pedagogy.
Docmus Doctoral School of Classical Music
We are responsible for doctoral education within the Faculty of Classical Music of the Sibelius Academy.
Mutri Doctoral School and Research Unit of Music Education, Jazz and Folk Music
We are responsible for doctoral education and research in the Faculty of Music Education, Jazz and Folk Music at the Sibelius Academy.
Explore completed doctoral degrees
Doctoral examinations
Browse our upcoming doctoral examination events and discover the research topics of past doctoral graduates.
Doctoral thesis
Visit the institutional repository Taju and filter by organisational unit to see a list of our students’ doctoral thesis.
Find out more about our research
The special nature of our research is based on direct and rich interaction between research and art.
What is artistic research?
Art offers a premise and an aim for research: a motive, a terrain, a context and a whole range of methods.
Open science and research
Openness is a central principle in research activities at Uniarts Helsinki.
Our projects
See all our research projects as well as development and international co-operation projects.
Research ethics and integrity at Uniarts Helsinki
Read Uniarts Helsinki’s guidelines concerning research ethics and integrity and ethical reviews of research. The Finnish Code of Conduct for Research Integrity established by the Finnish Advisory Board on Research Integrity TENK applies to all research, including artistic research and artistic productions that are linked to research activities. The responsibility to comply with the Code of Conduct for Research Integrity rests on the whole research community and on each individual researcher.
Living and studying in Helsinki
Helsinki is a lively student city and one of the most popular European cities for international students.
For Uniarts Helsinki visitors and newcomers
Welcome to the University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland! Here you will find information about us and our venues as well as how to move around in Helsinki and where to visit.