Uniarts Helsinki introduces two new bachelor-level degree programmes and offers 28 additional student places in 2022
Uniarts Helsinki will update its intake quotas with 28 additional spots for students and launch two new bachelor-level degree programmes in 2022. Additional intake will also be possible in the Bachelor’s Degree Programme in History and Theory of Contemporary Art, which was launched in autumn 2021.

The Swedish-language Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Programme in Music Education at the Sibelius Academy will increase its intake by 5 students next year. This quota increase in Swedish-language education supports Uniarts Helsinki’s language policy goals and meets the workforce needs in the field. Graduates of the Degree Programme in Music Education are trained to work as competent music teachers, musicians and researchers with an interest in developing their own field.
The Bachelor’s Degree Programme in History and Theory of Contemporary Art, which is based at the Academy of Fine Arts, will increase its intake by 10 students next year in accordance with a decision that was made already previously. The programme gives the skills to understand artistic processes and contexts of contemporary art as well the surrounding society, where artists may adopt multi-faceted roles. The programme was launched at Uniarts Helsinki in autumn 2021.
The new degree programmes meet the workforce needs of the cultural sector
Uniarts Helsinki will launch two new bachelor-level degree programmes next year: Degree Programme in Cultural Music Research and Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Writing.
The new Degree Programme in Cultural Music Research is based in the Sibelius Academy’s Seinäjoki Unit. The programme responds to the need to increase the number of experts who can lead the changes going on in the arts and cultural sector after the COVID-19 pandemic. Thanks to its location in the University Consortium of Seinäjoki, the degree programme also responds to strategic needs related to regional development. It also caters to the research-oriented needs of the increasingly more versatile cultural sector. The programme will admit 15 new students.
The other new degree programme is the Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Writing, which is offered at the Theatre Academy. Uniarts Helsinki has offered a Master’s Degree Programme in Writing since 2019. The new bachelor’s and master’s degree programme combination is one of a kind in Finland and not offered anywhere else. The degree programme will admit eight new students.
The reason for increasing the intake of students is securing the access to education at universities and universities of applied sciences across Finland and on various fields. Fields that are facing staff shortages, in particular, are given the opportunity to increase their intake to boost recruitment. Besides meeting national educational needs, the aim of the decision is also to strengthen the vitality of different regions.