Rector Kaarlo Hildén: “As a university community, we have a duty to create experiences that strengthen good everyday life and faith in the future”
Uniarts Helsinki’s new academic year started on 12 September 2024. The opening speeches highlighted the importance of communality and the future challenges of the cultural sector. The university’s Alumni of the Year were also announced at the opening ceremony.

A duty to build faith in the future among students
In his opening speech, Kaarlo Hildén, rector of Uniarts Helsinki, highlighted the importance of the university community in building people’s faith in the future.
“As a university community, we have the ability and obligation to create good everyday life and experiences that strengthen the sense of community, joy of life and faith in the future – both for ourselves and for others. Without them, we will not be able to take care of our own and each other’s ability to act on behalf of the things we consider important.”
Hildén also mentioned concerns about the future of the cultural sector, as cuts threaten the availability of mental well-being services provided by art and culture.
“There hasn’t been a thorough public discussion on culture in decades. We need it now more than ever, as the cultural policy report is circulating for comments at the same time as drastic cuts are made”.
In her speech, Sara Koiranen, chair of the Student Union, emphasised the importance of community and the importance of making time for pauses.
“Few communities are ones that you love with all your heart and agree with on everything.”
Koiranen emphasised that the Uniarts Helsinki community can, however, be a place where students can learn not only about art, but also about themselves and each other, and where they can find strength to face the challenges of the outside world.
The Alumni of the Year stand out by seeing things differently and discovering new ways and connections of making art
Uniarts Helsinki’s Alumni of the Year were announced at the opening ceremony: Sofia Haapamäki, Jakob Höglund and Maija Kauhanen.
According to the rector of Uniarts Helsinki, Kaarlo Hildén, the purpose of the award is to make education in the arts more prominent and to encourage discussions about the impact that Uniarts Helsinki and its alumni have on society.
“This year, the Alumni of the Year represent young creators who stand out by seeing things differently and discovering new ways and connections in the making of art. Uniarts Helsinki provides the highest level of education in music, visual arts, performing arts and writing in Finland, and we want to draw attention to the diverse ways in which art influences our changing society,” Hildén says.