Prizes, grants and acquisitions in Kuvan Kevät 2024

Prizes and grants were awarded to Master students participating in the Kuvan Kevät 2024 exhibition again this year. The exhibition has also led to the acquisition of works for various art collections.
Grants and prizes
Every year, the Helsinki Saskia Association awards a grant to a graduating student of the Academy of Fine Arts. In 2024, the grant was awarded to artist Arno Westerberg.
The Anita Snellman Foundation has awarded grants to Johanna Etelävirta, Alexi Johnstone, Piia Kokkarinen, Alves Ludovico, Matti Närekangas and Julia Syrzistie.
The University of the Arts Helsinki Foundation awarded the Johanna Ehrnrooth Prize to artist Priss Niinikoski.
Art acquisitions
The HUS Art Committee acquired a work by Alexi Johnstone for its collection.
The Päivi and Paavo Lipponen Collection acquired works by Mikko Ängeslevä.
Exhibition open for the last week
The Kuvan Kevät 2024 MFA degree show is open until Sunday 2 June, Tue-Sun 11–18 in the Mylly building and outdoor spaces, Sörnäisten rantatie 19.